Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] [prep] [pers pn] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I was only thinking about you the other day , David , ’ said his grandmother , settling herself in a high-backed chair , her feet planted firmly on the floral Axminster carpet .
2 It took three and a half months and I was just wondering about it the whole time and I thought , ‘ Man , it 's either going to be so good that I 'm never going to want to play another guitar , or it 's going to suck .
3 Their one common denominator is tap , and as the lessons go by we are drawn into their lives , finally sharing with them the triumph of their first public performance !
4 Homework is done by women whose role as unpaid caretakers of a nation 's dependents forces them out of the competition of the job market , and , still needing to earn , into work which is desperately tedious , which has to be carried out in isolation , thus losing for them the only element which makes tedious work bearable — the cameradie of the factory floor .
5 I , in actual fact , went there and erm , just thinking about it The amount of people that 's involved with it now , is astronomical to be honest , I did n't realize the interest was in hockey as it is .
6 She had hoped for Pascoe 's sake that the MacQuillan affair would fade from his mind , but perhaps his memory was already concealing from him the truth about the killing .
7 In the long opening mime section Bocca 's graceful arrogance was eloquently coupled to the desperate impatience to meet Nikiya ( Viviana Durante ) , and once dancing with her the two qualities sparked into a heady ardour .
8 Matthew Prescott was a nice man , even though she could not imagine ever feeling about him the way she did — had — about Cameron .
9 This is at best a corrective belief , for whatever else Ulysses or The Waste Land are doing , they are also invoking for us the Dublin of 1904 or the London of 1921 .
10 These attitudes transposed easily to the Commonwealth point of view , class warfare and nationalist agitation both arousing in him the same confidently emollient response .
11 The Copenhagen school had made a special point of emphasising that one ought never to think of quantum mechanical systems without also annexing to them the array of classical measuring instruments with which it was proposed to make the observations .
12 Perhaps she would be angry if , by trying to impose responsibility on her daughter by giving her the vote , we were also taking from her the only comfort which she has , namely that when she is older she will change all that .
13 Okay now looking at it the other way , you see we we had those points but we do n't know what happens over here .
14 Now stealing from him the natural flesh ?
15 Much of the ‘ revolution ’ urged upon clients involved advancing the business interests of social therapy itself — recruiting adherents among friends , lovers and neighbours , often dangling before them the possibility of readily available sex , and making large financial donations to the movement 's work .
16 In a conflict situation , have you ever behaved badly towards anyone else ; intentionally or unintentionally heaping upon them the blame you attribute to any of the figures you 've just thought about and identified ?
17 In fact one of the problems of a stratificational analysis is that it classifies women in a somewhat arbitrary manner , sometimes assigning to them the class of their husbands or fathers and sometimes determining their class by their own occupations .
18 The governor expressed his disillusionment in letters to Penn and others : ‘ the hosts of mosquitoes are worse than armed men , yet the men without arms [ are ] worse than they ’ ; and attacked what he saw as Quaker hypocrisy : ‘ each praying with his neighbour on First Days , and then preying on him the other six ’ .
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