Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] [prep] [pers pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So looking at it this way up I mean it 's X equals Y to the fourth plus three and that 's all minus .
2 we were only thinking about it this morning and I says I would n't mind a break , you know , like , cos , I mean aunty Mary 's always inviting us , and , and we were talking about the cat
3 I 'm not shuffling them , I 'm just running through them that one
4 He was not sure which he wanted her to be and was still puzzling about it next day when she called to take him down .
5 ‘ Well , as I 'm always sayin' to me old Dutch , what the eyes do n't see the 'eart do n't grieve about , and a bloke 's got to make a livin' some'ow .
6 So we 're testing , those priorities are still holding for us that but we 're applying them to the localities .
7 ‘ Sometimes I am still thinking about it half an hour later .
8 Right planners , now according to me this is for Thursday , next Thursday week t week one Thursday so homework for Thursday finish writing a list er whoever 's giggling will you calm down of things you believe are important do this in rough and I think we 'd better underline the next bit , bring it to the lesson now , quite seriously if you have only managed to get five or six items at the moment on your list that you think are important , that 's not enough , you really do need to be going for a minimum of ten , and if you ca n't then the next piece of work that we 're going to do in the lesson next week is going to be quite difficult .
9 But then they 'd say , ‘ I ca n't stand here listening to you all day ’ , and go off and do something else .
10 Pope also confirmed that Miller was widely read in high circles because when staying in Bath in 1743 , he wrote to the Earl of Marchmont about a meeting there with Lord Chesterfield who had told him that ‘ your Lordship is got a-head of all the Gardening Lords and that you have distanc 'd Lord Burlington and Lord Cobham in the true scientific parts , but he is studying before you and has here lying before him those Thesarurus 's from which he affirms you draw all knowledge , Miller 's Dictionaries . ’
11 ‘ It 's been hard going for us all in the League , but hopefully this result will help bring back the confidence . ’
12 He describes how , by 1837 , the game had evolved into a highly complicated sport , containing all the ‘ typical characteristics of a genuinely national art form , … profoundly popular in origin , yet attracting to it disinterested elements of the leisured and educated classes ’ .
13 The Santa Cruz Operation Inc may not have rushed out to embrace Unix SVR4 but it 's certainly creeping around it Indian-style .
14 Why the fury , then ? she fretted , and then started to have terrible gnawing doubts about whether or not she was truly dining with him that night .
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