Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] [to-vb] [pers pn] with " in BNC.

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1 So in practical terms of helping shoppers to make sound buying choices , the value of increased familiarity with APRs is somewhat curtailed by the way that people generally seem to equate it with the add-on cost of the credit .
2 I think we just learn to carry it with more discretion .
3 The British still tend to treat him with a faintly hostile embarrassment : as well they might , since for the past four years , his principal message has been condemnation of their duplicity in , as he sees it , backing away from promises to introduce democratic government by 1997 .
4 Mm , I always use to do it with my German Shepherd .
5 At Club 18–30 we always aim to provide you with the best holiday possible , but in the unlikely event that a problem should arise , we would ask you to contact your Club rep so that we can resolve the matter on the spot .
6 ‘ Eubank has never fought anyone of stature so it 's a straight forward fight for me , thanks for the chance and I fully intend to take it with both hands , ’ he said boldly .
7 With a rolling network we would have been there live to provide them with information of direct concern to all their lives — people , incidentally , who could not afford to pay for a service from any other source .
8 — play that section without sound then rewind to replay it with sound ;
9 Orton goes further than Laing , for his plays transgress accepted norms at every point yet refuse to replace them with ‘ our true potentialities ’ ; Laing is still preoccupied with the authentic self , the repressed human essence .
10 ‘ They always photograph me with Kylie because she 's my wife on screen , but they never bother to photograph me with other girls .
11 They always photograph me with Kylie because she 's my wife on screen , but they never bother to photograph me with any other girls .
12 ‘ The Lilliputians look upon fraud as a greater crime than theft , and therefore seldom fail to punish it with death ; for they allege that care and vigilance , with a very common understanding , may preserve a man 's goods from theft , but honesty has no defence against superior cunning . ’
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