Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Put all ingredients into a saucepan and slowly bring to the boil .
2 Meanwhile put vermouth , glace de viande and mustard in a small saucepan , slowly bring to the boil , add cream , boil again , take off heat .
3 When present , the impurities cause concrete made from mining spoil , ‘ mundic , ’ to crumble in damp conditions as trace elements slowly combine with the cement to reduce the lattice structure to a mush .
4 Of course , such con- ditions did not disgrace every mill , nor were they wholly absent outside the factory system .
5 The eggs eventually hatch inside the mother 's pouch , the young crawl out and clamber up on to her back .
6 No , well mostly toilet in the middle of the night but I go straight back to bed and go back to sleep again .
7 But the Indians rarely profit from the mahogany trees cut from their land .
8 In practice the tenant has little influence on the choice of insurer .
9 True , Shearer got little change from the skirmish with Neil Ruddock , his pal from Southampton days .
10 Share prices showed little change throughout the day however and the FT-SE 100-Share Index closed just 1.0 down on the day at 2,817.0 , with just under 593 million shares changing hands .
11 Though residents find little change in the quality of living under these arrangements , they are generally pleased with the traffic calming that has resulted , though less so than those who live in the streets that have been completely rebuilt .
12 The Philips Report ( HMSO 1954 ) forecast little change in the dependency ratio overall in the following twenty-five years ( 1954–79 ) , on the assumption that the same proportion of persons would continue to be employed in each age-group .
13 Considerable pressure to conform exists within the lesbian feminist communities , and those of us who conspicuously deviate from the norm either get stared at or are ignored .
14 Chemical element from industrial operations , nitrates from the excessive use of chemical fertilisers , and sewage waste from an ever-increasing human population all eventually leach into the sea .
15 Some partnership deeds do , however , expressly provide for the payment of a salary in addition to a share of the firm 's profits .
16 The judge concluded that since rule 4.4(4) of the Family Proceedings Rules 1991did not expressly provide for the making of an application ex parte for a residence order and since section 9(5) of the Children Act 1989 prohibited him from making either a prohibited steps order or a specific issue order to achieve that result he had no jurisdiction to make the orders sought .
17 A range of personal items — new clothes , underwear , make-up , haircuts , public transport , leisure services — rarely appear in the expenditure diaries of mothers in low-income households .
18 I think they have very little say from the point of diagnosis to treatment of anything .
19 In former days this emotional moment could not arise because archbishops had little say in the choice of bishops and no say at all in the choice of their successor .
20 Prior to the 1980 Act it had been observed that the law had been ‘ heavily weighed in favour of the local education authorities and schools with parents having few rights ( although many duties ) and little say in the decision-making process ’ .
21 Refugee recipients had very little say in the administration of services and were insufficiently encouraged to do so .
22 Patients are at the bottom of the pecking order and have very little say in the running of services .
23 But customers will have little say in the matter .
24 The court heard several witnesses say they saw Mr Austin 's car suddenly swerve to the right in the outsidfe lane , then violently to the left and into the front of the bus forcing it off the carriageway .
25 But without proper government action , they only scratch at the problem .
26 By Gerald Larner FOLLOWERS of the BBC Philharmonic — that small but discriminating section of the concert audience in the North-west — will have noticed a peculiarly high proportion of works featuring solo trumpet in the orchestra 's current programmes .
27 After giving instructions about his place of burial , he required them to go to his study and take out three great hampers of books and burn them , ‘ Inasmuch as all the comedies , tragedies , pastorals , etc. , heroical poems , love hymns and the like are full of idolatry and especially tend to the overthrow of the Christian religion . ’
28 only sell on the telephone .
29 Formally , neither has much influence on the policy-making process .
30 From 1340 until his death in 1348 the archbishop never again held high office or exerted much influence in the king 's government .
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