Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] [noun sg] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Some people lack one colour pigment , and so lose sensitivity to part of the spectrum , usually red or green .
2 I would be interested to hear the thoughts of any other Sigma owners , top flight racers or those who are more concerned with club racing , so put pen to paper .
3 The insults or stresses which cause the imbalances and so give rise to disease can be of two types :
4 But in the lives of many people today love and marriage , though ideals , swiftly give way to conflict , strain , unhappiness and divorce .
5 Anything goes , of course , so get pen to paper ( or better still , fingers to keyboard ) and write to : Practically Speaking , X or A ?
6 Anything goes , of course , so get pen to paper ( or better still , fingers to keyboard ) and write to : Practically Speaking ,
7 Anything goes , of course , so get pen to paper ( or better still , fingers to keyboard ) and write to : Practically Speaking ,
8 Detailing for de Cuellar the damage done to Iraq 's civilian population and culture by five days of Allied bombing , Aziz declared , ‘ You personally bear responsibility to history and mankind for the heinous crimes being committed against the noble people of Iraq who are fighting for their freedom . ’
9 Once this happens , the medium is said to not only reduce ammonia/nitrite to nitrate , but go one step further and , by means of the anaerobic bugs , convert nitrate to harmless nitrogen gas .
10 The rewards and their distribution become a part of the social order and thus give rise to stratification ( Davis and Moore .
11 Even when you 've got the hand of it there 's precious little skill involved — you just stand toe to toe and hit each other !
12 It is at the handing over of the engagement dower that the mothers finally meet face to face — or burgah to burgah .
13 A decade after the end of the first post-war period in Britain ( that is , during the sharp oil price rise mentioned above ) social mobility was characterized both by heightening opportunities of rising socially , as well as increased risks of being caught in a downward spiral — particularly for those of working-class origin , who are among those who most easily fall prey to recruitment into the underclass .
14 The market makers who replaced the jobbers rarely meet face to face , so one rumour is as good as another .
15 ‘ A scientist can not be swayed by such fears and still remain time to science . ’
16 In terms of formal policy , a shift in recent years has seen equity ostensibly yield place to efficacy .
17 Always take message to recipient immediately .
18 Many people had worked on the paper for twenty years , and never once come face to face with the Editor .
19 Despite the difficulties , people still regard access to education for their children as a ‘ passport out of poverty ’ .
20 Earlier this year , The Sunday Telegraph reported scientists also fear damage to life in the oceans .
21 He tells us in his autobiography that this decision produced a breakdown in his wife 's health , but it was all part of his efforts to become a pure Buddhist leader and hence bring benefit to burma .
22 Some firms also provide advice to insurance companies .
23 It says no doubt employers employers or other individuals will keep on pestering you , and probably add insult to injury , take heart .
24 Probably have access to film .
25 Windows comes with a basic painting application and I also have access to Freelance .
26 Travel agents and tour operators often make back to back reservations which means that certain accommodation is booked over a period of time and as one group of guests depart another group takes their place .
27 She seems to have been too ignorant of , or to have too little regard to , those rules of the drama , and that happy management of plot and catastrophe , which often ensure success to poetry and sentiments much inferior to her own
28 These inequalities inevitably give rise to resentment .
29 Others tremble as they limply carry spoon to mouth .
30 A Farmland and Rural Development Act was passed in 1988 and farmers now have access to grant aid to help in diversification projects .
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