Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] they to [art] " in BNC.

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1 When a large debt issue is undertaken , the Bank will underwrite a large proportion of the issue and slowly sell them to the market over a period of time to avoid excess supply of government debt .
2 Much prefer them to the open streets .
3 Despite some evidence to the contrary of Third World women in EOZs organizing fierce resistance to exploitation , of a sexual as well as a general nature , the overwhelming weight of evidence SuppOns the view that most women workers in EOZs , while not necessarily enthralled by their jobs , are glad to have them and much prefer them to the alternatives on offer .
4 Do n't shorten the stems , just tidy them to a clean cut , and do the same with any broken roots .
5 Do you use them as a raft , or just throw them to the sharks and sort of watch them sink ?
6 It must have seemed to them that Marian and Allen had perished in the flames and their own immediate concern was to remove themselves from the danger of the roof falling in on their heads and from the certain consequence that so conspicuous a fire in the night would be seen by the outlaws and would sooner or later bring them to the scene .
7 5 Create individual stems for the nuts by threading florists ' wire into the shell and carefully attach them to the wreath .
8 The task will fall to the manager to persuade advice workers to attend race-awareness training in addition to popular updating in welfare benefits ; managers may have the task of explaining to management committee members why they now need training after so many years without it ; it will be the manager 's job to be attuned to advice workers ' weaknesses and tactfully point them to the relevant additional training ; the manager must find a balance in workers ' meetings between training , casework and group support .
9 Hold this position for 2 seconds , then slowly lower them to the floor .
10 As the general secretary indicated , colleagues , all the motions are being accepted , so I now put them to the vote .
11 Richard Lee says they often take them to the woods because they are working without knowing it .
12 If you have any , please send them to the Institute 's director of Education and Training , Phil Armitage — the debate must continue !
13 Contributions are welcome , please send them to the Editor , John Donnelly .
14 the fact of belonging to the same class , and that of belonging to the same generation or age group , have this in common , that both endow the individuals sharing in them with a common location in the social and historical process , and thereby limit them to a specific range of potential experience , predisposing them for a certain characteristic mode of thought and experience , and a characteristic type of historically relevant action .
15 You can question other people , other people might have that knowledge and you can question and clarify and form in your mind the ideas that you need and maybe put them to the group as a group .
16 Their enthusiasm remains as infectious in the 90s as it was over a decade ago and we proudly welcome them to the Guinness Spot for their first and keenly anticipated visit to Belfast .
17 If we need people with financial experience and managerial experience , then appoint them to the local to the Police Committee , given them a job to do , they 're the ones that are should advise the Chief Constable and the Police Committee as to whether they 're spending the right of money on computers and are using it properly , not whether they 're using them operationally correctly .
18 Children can plant sunflower seeds in pots indoors and then transfer them to the garden in early summer .
19 Alternatively , major capital projects would be undertaken by private sector contractors who would finance and build the assets in question , operate them for a specified period in return for an agreed fee and then transfer them to the commissioning authority .
20 And she wrote stories , then read them to the children after tea .
21 Did you realize they drive the ponies into a corral , then tie them to a stake in the burning sun for five days with no food or water ?
22 This will enable users to develop neural applications on their personal computers under Windows , and then download them to the NT5000 system , a stand-alone box that collects data from real world analogue and digital devices like microphones , cameras and other industrial sensors .
23 Then screw them to the baseboard .
24 Mr Edwards has stated that he will live in Bacon 's house and studio for the remainder of his lifetime , then leave them to the nation .
25 Ted Willoughby , who had looked after Sugar throughout its service with 467 Squadron , came on to the scene and offered to try and find the missing items and then re-fit them to the aircraft , to which Jack Bruce readily agreed .
26 In the Commons , Mr Kinnock accused Mrs Thatcher of ‘ defending the indefensible ’ by ‘ giving instructions that in the middle of the night armed riot police raid children , women and men , shove them into cages and forcibly deport them to the country from which they fled ’ .
27 ‘ What excuse , ’ he asked Mrs Thatcher , ‘ have you got for giving instructions that in the middle of the night , armed riot police raid children , women and men , shove them into caged lorries and forcibly deport them to the country from which they fled ? ’
28 ‘ What excuse has she got for giving instructions that , in the middle of the night , armed riot police raid children , women and men , shove them into caged lorries and forcibly deport them to the country from which they fled ?
29 A truly political art , he realised , would not content itself with the message alone ; it would it had to engage the viewer in a questioning of the nature of the institutions and the pressures they exert , and thereby subject them to the necessary critique .
30 Our negativity may have sent the fire brigade on strike , or even made them uncouple their hoses from that hydrant that gave all that lovely , cool life-giving water that would have quenched the fire and instead couple them to the nearest petrol tank .
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