Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] not [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These were very disturbed patients who perhaps do not fit into the group under discussion here .
2 Then your then your feelings perhaps do n't matter in the overall picture of the education , but bearing in , looking at the teachers in our school , we , we really do n't have a weak teacher except perhaps Mr , who 's obviously not been well these last three years , erm
3 Y drivers , we know they have their own code , and er what we say is , although we perhaps do n't agree with it ourselves , you do it .
4 This is a side of Russell which people perhaps do n't know about , erm so well as the others , so if I may , I 'll read some passages and paraphrase it .
5 I personally do n't deal with recruits but there 's as you know there 's a depot which er
6 they apparently do n't go on stage till half past seven
7 However , these facilities alone do not cope with all possible diagnostic problems .
8 Which I obviously do n't agree with , I think they do an outlet just as much and I think that 's where sport comes for them .
9 We 'll start with that obviously do n't seem to be very forthcoming here !
10 This type of inefficiency arises because workers and management are often ill-equipped or lacking in motivation and so do not perform to the best of their abilities .
11 Live foods from freshwater will survive in the tank for a while , but the conditions that suit your fish may not suit them , and they will die and decompose , so do not overfeed with live food either .
12 Also they do not pay rates and so do not contribute to the upkeep of the area in which they live .
13 As for the English speaking , a child of far more than three has no difficulty learning Italian and is so far from being wedded to the tongue he has begun with that he forgets it within a few months so do not say to me that is an obstacle .
14 Over-bleaching is a real hair-destroyer so do not embark on it lightly if you have dark hair .
15 So do not deviate by mixing your opinions with the facts .
16 Remember that any number multiplied by 1 ( one ) stays the same so do not use × 1 .
17 So do not look for us coming Lily but think rather of you coming home if you have a mind .
18 You almost never find all the symptoms of the case in a remedy picture and you will never find all the symptoms of a remedy in the disease picture of the case , so do not look for it or try to fit it all in .
19 So do not look at me in that accusing way , little sister ! ’
20 So do n't rely on your memory .
21 In reality this is inaudible under water so do n't rely on it to give you a reminder .
22 So do n't rely on your memory .
23 So do n't bother about selecting printer .
24 So do n't speak to me of ingratitude .
25 ‘ Besides , it comes with a condition attached , so do n't think of it as a gift . ’
26 So do n't rush at it .
27 ‘ And when you get to the top you 'll be on the quarterdeck , so do n't forget to — ’
28 Shadows are the absence of light and so do n't exist in themselves , but they are still visible and palpable just as if they did .
29 And this is what I 'm thinking of doing , so do n't laugh at me , because I 'm thinking of doing it .
30 The central panel between your shoulder blades is a major outlet area for sebum and perspiration , so do n't skimp on cleansing and exfoliation .
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