Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] not want to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We just do n't want to be in that position . ’
2 Many people want to help but just do n't want to be bogged down with wasteful committee meetings every week for years .
3 I just do n't want to be judged — or prejudged — by a title that shouts out my marital status or availability .
4 ‘ Well , you know , like … like there 's exploitation of people , politicians , racism , all that shit , you just do n't want to be a part of it . ’
5 ‘ People just do n't want to be part of a world that does n't have comparison , or spontaneity , where playfulness is just limited to football and sex !
6 I just do n't want to ever make any more mistakes again .
7 I just do n't want to be the kind of person who suddenly disappears and , in ten years , people say ‘ Hey , I wonder what happened to that guy ? ’ … when I 'm living in misery on a council estate or eating out of rubbish bins . ’
8 I just do n't want to be under an obligation to him . "
9 I just do n't want to be left here when I have things that need to be done ! ’
10 I just do n't want to be treated like — ’
11 I just do n't want to be humiliated in public ! ’
12 I just do n't want to be treated like , you know , object of pity or something !
13 ‘ I still do n't want to be confirmed , sir . ’
14 There are many times when I leave the house and go up to the range when I really do n't want to .
15 This is my personal feeling , but I really do n't want to be out on tour with another singer trying to be Queen .
16 I really do n't want to be out on tour with another singer trying to be Queen .
17 Senior partner in law firm , to young graduate on his first interview ( sub-text : ‘ I really do n't want to be here , wasting my time talking to you ’ ) .
18 I really do n't want to .
19 No I really do n't want to mate , I really do n't want to you enjoy it .
20 I felt I wanted to make up with you but it 's true though with I really do n't want to .
21 But our sons now do not want to be like us . "
22 On the one hand you 've got guitar players who are very interested in the environment — after all , guitar players are artists , and artists tend to be more liberal and environmentally-minded than most — but on the other hand you have a lot of people who simply do n't want to be bothered .
23 For example , this theory is incapable of accounting for the phenomenon of redundancies : workers surely do not want to be made redundant in order to indulge their desire for longer holidays .
24 I really , strongly do not want to be ruled by such people — people with America 's political correctness , but without the American love of liberty ; people with the Continent 's dirigisme , but without a Continental breadth of culture ; people with a modern metropolitan 's contempt for his own country 's traditions , but a bumpkin 's ignorance of economics .
25 ‘ I certainly do n't want to be called Gran , ’ she says .
26 ‘ People like me , who were in their 20s in the 1960s , want to look good , but are n't obsessed by fashion and certainly do n't want to be made uncomfortable by it . ’
27 It 's also the case and I 'm not trying to malign any part of the private sector and I certainly do n't want to be the subject of a libel action , but it is showing a tendency to grow in directions that are contrary to the hard won ideas of good practice in statutory provision .
28 Right , so er you certainly do n't want to be giving in at at two per cent unless the volume we 're sure 's gon na be higher again this year .
29 I have n't liked to phone him up because it , you know , I certainly do n't want to be , thought that , yeah , yeah , try and be nosy or anything like that , it erm
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