Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] [pron] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 All the established associations are expected to meet the criteria , and so earn their members the right to call themselves organic .
2 The fact that consumer platforms will generally be convenient , all-in-one , low cost units needing nothing more sophisticated than a domestic television for display purposes , suggest that many libraries may be able to support all available platforms and so give their customers the widest possible choice .
3 Lying in the track of the depressions which so dominate our climate the island catches more than its fair share of bad weather and this , coupled with the conflicting tides of the North Sea and North Atlantic , makes the surrounding waters very troubled for most of the time .
4 I normally get my tickets the next day , or in two days .
5 I normally get my tickets the next day , or in two days .
6 That 's what Ann said ooh if we ever owe her rent the dear old soul will say oh well next week 'll do
7 I suppose you have to let them experiment and then learn their lesson the hard way when they take a spill . ’
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