Example sentences of "[adv] [det] [verb] [pron] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 She was puzzled for some moments as to the source of the smell , so little did she expect the brothers would be so dirty .
2 So much did he dread that his own was a case of ‘ redemption by parricide ’ that he emphasized the unwillingness with which he accepted the divine call with language which is exaggerated and almost coarse .
3 Even Graham , one of the few members who had left home and lived in a flat , would be helping in the campaign , although he would not be voting Conservative , so much did he dislike the personality and politics of the local MP .
4 Jezrael 's fingers crisped into the grit beneath her ; even her face worked with the adrenalin that surged up , so much did she want to shove him away and make him save himself .
5 It brings us quite close to what is essential in some kinds of abstract art : when we look at the work of Rothko or Barnett Newman or maybe Brancusi , what is it exactly that makes us feel these works are so important ?
6 Still less does one know whether people tend to resist suggestions from a machine that go against their unaided habits , or whether they rapidly and thankfully accept that some things are better done by a computer .
7 Mr Tim , by the way , does not acknowledge the modern concept of the language laboratory ; nor does he cleave to the antique idea of the library of books ; still less does he believe in separating students of different ability .
8 The Literary Critic does n't understand English ; still less does it have any feel for the aesthetics of the language .
9 Still less do we want to know if the production of the book or research paper represented a learning experience for the academic concerned .
10 Still less do they have time to develop them further for release to a wider and less technical audience .
11 Still less do I want to take sides between differing schools of psychotherapy .
12 This part of the city lacks the individual character of Robyn 's own suburb , where healthfood stores and sportswear boutiques and alternative bookshops have sprung up to cater for the students and liberal-minded yuppies who live there ; and still more does it lack the green amenities of the residential streets around the University .
13 And hopefully those made you chuckle .
14 The best years of his mind he 'd sacrificed to this godforsaken place and precious little did he have to show for it .
15 The other aspect of the question you raised is really that do you change a situation by the very fact that you 're doing an evaluation ?
16 Funnily enough — now this makes me think a bit , although it was probably just because he liked the name — he did call his daughter Hannah .
17 Often this made him laugh and hug her .
18 Far less does it make any attempt to improve these procedures to meet their critics .
19 In sum , there is no definitive answer to the question of how many senses there are : we have yet to discover all of our own , and even less do we know the full details of those enjoyed by some of the other members of the Animal Kingdom .
20 The person with a healthy Inner Face is the one who is most able to form good relationships with others ; he does not feel that he has to put on an act to impress yet neither does he feel superior to those with whom he comes in contact .
21 He enjoyed very much hearing me talk about England — our laws , our universities , our great buildings .
22 The thing I noticed was that they 're all close questions , you like the area , now Martin was very fair to you because you , he was very me most you could 've got very much did you move because of your , yes .
23 He is content for everyone else to have their say first , though his everyday associates and friends respect his views too much to let him get away with that too often .
24 ’ So I wondered whether it would put you out too much to let her visit with you for a couple of hours . ’
25 Siegel said softly , ‘ If that 's the case , let's hope there is something in his life that he would miss too much to let it go so easily … ’
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