Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] him a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But it is that same obstinacy or , put another way , determination to win , that has not only made him a successful captain , but also into one of the most feared batsmen in the world .
2 She 'd only met him a few times , but it had been easy for Julie to see that Ross Wyndham was even more Leo-like than his wife .
3 I 've only known him a few weeks , after all . ’
4 She 'd only known him a few hours yet every cell of her body seemed sensitised to his presence .
5 He asked me what I was going to wear and said his mam had just bought him a new duffle coat and did I like it , ’ she says .
6 He cut in on a man who was starting to chat her up — someone who had once given him a bad review .
7 He examined himself from head to foot , assessing without vanity the beauty that had once given him an honest pleasure , and he marked without fear the changes that moved in upon him now daily .
8 But we 've had a very very well we 've still got him a good treasurer .
9 But his hyperactive personality has also made him an easy subject for parody .
10 His defiance of Uncle Sam has even earned him a grudging respect .
11 Yet this season , he 's played all but two matches , and since the ‘ 5 man defence ’ appeared when Batty got injured , the reviews I 've read have even called him a Batty replacement , and given him a good write-up .
12 Bombay University belatedly awarded him an honorary LLD in 1916 .
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