Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] up [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 There was a burst of male laughter from the bar , which had suddenly filled up with men wearing MCC ties ; the day 's play at Lord 's would have ended just about twenty minutes ago .
2 I have seen the dyke before the village entirely filled up with men sitting there discussing the week 's fishing .
3 Davide was still committed to preferring it to the alternatives , the vendettas , the feuds , the bloody score -these ways were for barbarians , for people like Sicilians , or Neapolitans , people whose own blood was all mixed up with Spaniards ' .
4 For me the work less obviously caught up with technologies resonated most .
5 They were both so caught up in developments at Crystal Springs that it was sometimes hard for Christina to recall that Stephen still had a stake in a totally separate business empire in England — one that Robert seemed to be finding increasingly hard to administer in his partner 's prolonged absence , though Stephen still kept a very firm grip on English events from Barbados .
6 True , he gets himself so wound up at times that he ca n't help himself .
7 An outline of the settlement of the barbarians in Gaul up until the 450s is necessarily made up of fragments from a variety of sources , not all of which are in agreement .
8 As the arrivals list is only made up from guests who have made reservations in advance , it will not show ‘ chance ’ guests or a guest who changes rooms after the list has been circulated .
9 This was just as well because the washing was not only hung up on poles above but spread out upon drying racks in the street itself .
10 Last week they got so fed up with commuters crowding round their screens to find out the train times — because the computer board was n't working — they just switched them all off .
11 ‘ I 'm so fed up with restaurants that have really bright fluorescent lights everywhere that make you look green , ’ she says .
12 What he could not understand , he said , was how this idea got so muddled up with hostages and the necessity to sell arms .
13 The relationship between society and the state has been a central concern of western political and social thought for the last four hundred years , one crucially bound up with attempts to understand and evaluate the character of new social , political , economic and intellectual forms associated with the development of a capitalist world economy .
14 The Moroccan restaurants that I tried were obviously set up for tourists .
15 The electrodes for that are only linked up at intervals , of course , since they have to be directly attached to his scalp .
16 And then back home with Ted and Frieda both asleep and Jo gone , it had all burst up in tears Maggie had squashed down with cigarettes .
17 They had always been a close family and that night they had all ended up in tears after a lengthy talk with their family GP who had come to the house to talk to them about Jennifer 's diagnosis .
18 They found , however , that this relationship only held up for workers in small-town settings .
19 Yet , at the same time , we live in a world which in reality is predominantly made up of couples and families .
20 The current population is mostly made up of scientists and support staff working on contract for one or two years .
21 The INI files are mostly made up of lines like this :
22 His views on the rights of hereditary monarchy and episcopacy were those of Charles Leslie [ q.v. ] , whom he admired , but Earbery had none of his wit or power of reasoning : his numerous works are largely made up of quantities of historical narrative , related with a strong ideological bias , often laced with personal abuse .
23 The community we serve is largely made up of families who have come to England from a rural district of Bangladesh called Sylhet .
24 Groupies have never been a realistic proposition because the group 's entourage is largely made up of girlfriends .
25 Its narrative is largely made up of women talking to one another .
26 The former group is largely made up of locals while the latter mainly comprises newcomers , but the class dimension is paramount .
27 Enter lively atoms of uranium-235 , soon stirred up by Punk-neutrons and slowed down by Mods .
28 Even if Clinton were to implode , this year 's electoral circus has been so unpredictable that many diehard Republicans remain almost as queasy about their own candidate , with the economy still ropey , with Bush 's inarticulacy on home affairs still staggeringly uninspiring and with the nation utterly fed up with politicians .
29 The argument comes just months after the ancient writings were finally opened up to scholars around the world , and it centres on a single phrase .
30 The Great Central Railway , from Marylebone to Manchester via Sheffield , opened in 1900 , the last great trunk railway construction , limped its way through the century to be finally chopped up into pieces and closed down in 1969 .
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