Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] our [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Adrian Colston , director of the Northamptonshire Wildlife Trust , says the centre has given the Trust a shop window in the town centre : ‘ It 's early days yet , but the centre has already doubled our volunteer workforce and we think it will become a major focal point . ’
2 A result of our own R&D , these have not only enabled us to increase margins but have also raised our market share in Europe and the USA .
3 NOT SO LONG AGO it seemed that we had very nearly lost our fairy tale beasts .
4 We have also extended our gas turbine testing facilities in Aberdeen and our two specialist companies , Turbine Engineering Services and Gas Turbine Fuel Systems , have both significantly increased their market penetration .
5 An unprecedented response to your excellent article by Pete Livesey in the October issue on the British Abseil Association , means that we have now reached our membership limit of 1.2 million .
6 ‘ The main issue for us is to close the gap and we have now brought our discount rate down to the level where the highest anybody pays is 3.95 per cent . ’
7 It 's a domestic policy , hands off right and this was one of the arguments one of those potent arguments that they 've used in the last forty years right but it 's incredibly naive because any domestic policy will have an international dimension I remember the about European Community right but it was n't for the operation of the common agricultural policy countries in the European Community would be net importers of agricultural goods as we were ten years ago bec because er of protectionism we 've now increased our self sufficiency to the point where were a net exporter of agricultural goods what implications has th does that have for international trade ?
8 In Europe we have almost completed our diesel catalyst development centre at Emissionsteknik in Sweden and a diesel catalyst production facility at Royston in the United Kingdom to meet demand from this important growth sector .
9 What we are in all our shapes and sizes has been fashioned and contoured through both inheritance and experience — the comprehensive impact upon us of our parents , childhood and upbringing , and with it those joys , dramas and significant experiences which contribute to what is sometimes called our adult self .
10 We have also fundamentally changed our manufacturing philosophy rather than manufacture here in the UK and sell abroad , we now , on the whole , manufacture where our markets are . ’
11 Nowadays many of us find that a bit strange , after all I do n't think any of us or very few of us here in this room have actually given our express consent to be British subjects .
12 We 've never curtailed our lending policy for the right transaction .
13 Cos I know when I was at school we actually got our sex education in fourth year , and it was by a visiting lecturer , it was this wee old man about fifty , he said basically , this is a male body , this is a female body , nothing about sexuality , orgasms anything !
14 But we did did take the opportunity over the weekend to actually run our traffic model er at a very crude level , I have to estimate .
15 It was not the sort I had seen in West Africa , with side-windows missing and as many chickens on board as people , but as plush as the one that had recently taken our Parish Fellowship for an evening drive around Cheshire .
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