Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] so [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Just what was the object of Barbara 's terror that viewers had only seen so far as a suction cup visible through a circular lens cowl ?
2 So much done so quickly and then nothing .
3 He had felt sour ever since her arrival — he could admit it to himself now — but simply because it had all happened so unexpectedly and confusedly .
4 She heard Ana scream her name but it had all happened so fast that she was stunned .
5 It had all happened so quickly that he could still not believe it .
6 The dominant response may at present be a favourable one , but this is only maintained so long as it implicitly accepted that functions are being successfully and rationally fulfilled .
7 Seeing that the independents would be slowly strangled so long as they relied exclusively upon the British circuits , he sought to establish connections to Hollywood .
8 True , at death our essence is finally overcome so far as its actualisation in space and time goes , but as long as we live we can go on realizing it in as full a form as circumstances allow .
9 Initially , Wendy received six-monthly inseminations , but she felt ill-at-ease : ‘ They were always done so impersonally and I was going through such an emotional , personal experience . ’
10 Fergus knew the stories ; he knew how it was whispered that once inside the Prison of Hostages no one ever returned to the world of Men , but to Fergus , who had led the Fiana from the age of eighteen , and who knew the secrets and the devices and the weaknesses of half the ancient fortresses in Ireland , no prison was ever sealed so utterly and so completely that there was not a way out of it .
11 It was the first time that the chubby presenter , the ravages of drink clear in the dark bags under his eyes , had ever gone so far and admitted in public his total dependence .
12 The burrows of these robber wasps are usually concealed so skilfully that few other animals are able to find them and rob them .
13 Indeed , our understanding of the technique that is now used so widely and with such serious consequences seems to have made disquietingly little progress since the 1770s , when Franz Anton Mesmer first took Paris by storm with his new , bizarre technique .
14 No , I must say that things have now gone so far as to justify me in feeling considerable uneasiness about his continued absence . ’
15 Some ingenious souls have even gone so far as to suggest that the correct attitude to fat , which makes sense in nutritional , agronomic and culinary terms is to aim in general at eating a low-fat diet , and at one in which most of the fat in the diet is polyunsaturated : but to ensure that the small amount of saturated fat that did creep in is as delectable as possible , which , of course , with slight deference to beef dripping , means butter .
16 Well , if you are typical of your birth sign , you will have already made up your mind and taken your leave around August 6th , when it became apparent that certain associates had sided against you or even gone so far as to hatch some kind of plot .
17 It had once even gone so far as to empty him on to the floor for voicing an intolerant opinion on the Jesuits .
18 One ARENA spokesman has even gone so far as to suggest that there are nine to ten women in the party for every man .
19 In the second half of the nineteenth century such sentiments had fostered the growth of a small but vigorous school of Siberian regionalist writers and political activists ( oblastniki ) , some of whom had even gone so far as to envisage the complete political separation of Siberia from Russia and the establishment of a new , independent Siberian republic .
20 Some dealers have even gone so far as to pass off their businesses as zoos ( see BBC WILDLIFE , November , p798 ) .
21 by no means ‘ lightly advancing thro ’ her star-trimm 'd crowd' — he had even gone so far as to look up Lantor 's lines about Ianthe — but perhaps women could n't be expected always to live up to what poets wrote about them .
22 One bar had even gone so far as to put a few tables outside , and on impulse Zen settled down to enjoy the sunlight and watch the show on the Corso .
23 Frankie felt himself gripped more tightly , then shaken so violently that his teeth rattled .
24 Brian Roper 's unsuccessful spot kick perpetuated the agony for the Donegal boys who had once again come so near and yet so far , losing their third final in a row .
25 The Plym has never fished so well and enthusiasts report catches of up to eight fish per session with a high percentage of 2 lb plus specimens .
26 One such protagonist has recently gone so far as to claim that Aristotle 's Phantasmata — the mental images that are involved in most or all mental activities — are identical with the symbols on which computational procedures are carried out .
27 One event which has lived in my memory , and which I would not have liked to repeat , was of cycling home one evening ( I lived near Altrincham ) — and I was in the middle of Barton Bridge when I heard a German bomber overhead — I have never pedalled so quickly since , realising that I was in the middle of a prime target .
28 The nature of a painter 's technique is never scrutinised so closely as when a work has just been cleaned , and at the heart of the exhibition will be eight of the fourteen Titians in the Louvre 's own collection that have just been freed of their treacly , dark varnishes and retouchings .
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