Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [to-vb] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They did not realise that three years would elapse before Black 's injuries would be sufficiently stabilised to enable them to be measured by his doctors or that there are factors in the functioning of the United Kingdom judicial system which would thwart him from securing justice in the courts .
2 He then has more chance of meeting females and is better equipped to overpower them in mating fights .
3 You 're only meant to take them in small quantities now .
4 But the reality is that the court has not given to doctors any right that they did not previously have : it has merely declined to deprive them of a power which it is for them alone to exercise .
5 For pupils of high ability , too much of the curriculum was often taken up with preparation for exams , and too little done to stretch them in the earlier years .
6 They will take approximately a week to reach this stage , so that while any traces remaining in a carpet could give rise to problems , a solid floor can be easily disinfected to kill them before this stage is reached .
7 And indeed , four people had just arrived to join them at the table .
8 It was because she 'd just started to sell them at the shop .
9 We have not chosen to think these thoughts , our mind has just started to think them without us being aware of what we are thinking .
10 ‘ He described quite graphically — to me personally — how he felt with it seeping through the blindfold and beginning to sting and then burn at his eyes so that he was finally forced to open them in order to blink .
11 These are no longer needed and are best killed to prevent them from spreading to the food cupboard , so drop them into the methylated spirits jar .
12 On the other hand apologists for such policies rarely if ever sought to justify them on the grounds that they would reduce the real wage rate à la Malinvaud .
13 If we confine attention to the 8 samples on which at least 15 individual determinations were made , the R range narrows to 0.35–0.95% , confirming that some of these rocks were formerly sufficiently deeply buried to put them into the oil-generating window .
14 We tried to profit by our mistakes but were not always allowed to forget them by fellow crewmates .
15 There is equally little doubt that at this period , when the idea of tearing out ancient roots was still strange and terrifying to most people , some kind of cataclysmic force was still required to drive them into the unknown .
16 As from July 1988 , however , the rules for self-employed pensions were also altered to bring them in line with personal pensions .
17 Other stalling techniques are also deployed to detain them in the station on such days ( prolonging station business , extended conversations in parts of the station where they are less visible to management , carrying messages , and so on ) .
18 Many owls have such a perfect sense of hearing that they can locate and catch small creatures in the pitch dark , landing upon them with the claws correctly aligned to grasp them along the spine .
19 Ted was having trouble picking out a shirt ; his sister had given him a couple of new ones last Christmas , but this was the first time that he 'd really had to study them with regard to presentability .
20 In the past a Welsh dealer had brought ponies and kept them on the moors at Hartshead to fatten them up for a few weeks prior to the fair , and Mr Rawson had often helped to drive them from there to Lee Gap .
21 The company has now agreed to withdraw them from sale .
22 Reports of ‘ untoward occurrences ’ — anything from an allegation of assault to a staff member having a cold — were not going directly to Mr Thomson , who was legally bound to report them to social services within 24 hours .
23 As these fish are rather shy , the tank needs to be densely planted to provide them with plenty of cover .
24 In spite of all the powers with which he was armed , and routinely used for routine ends , it is clear that the Northern Nigerian Resident too often failed to use them for good : being , rather than doing , good came to define the limits of his aspirations .
25 Dreadlocks was delivering a stream of orders now , most of them incoherent , but surely intended to stop them in their tracks .
26 Clearly Romania was well on its way to becoming an economic super-success and anyone with funds to spare was well advised to lend them to Ceauşescu .
27 The logic — that the Treasury could not be expected to control something that was for local councils ' electorates to decide finally sank in , not least because the Treasury had so regularly failed to keep them to their limits .
28 Monie , who guided the Cherry and Whites to four successive league and Wembley doubles , narrowly failed to lead them to the Grand Slam last term after they were beaten by St Helens in the premiership final .
29 Long mike leads need to be properly wired to prevent them from becoming an aerial .
30 And Salford , Wigan 's opponents at the Willows tomorrow , will be hard pushed to stop them from continuing their 12-month unbeaten away league record .
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