Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [to-vb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Its aims and operations are still too loosely formulated to allow it to be the cohesive force it could be .
2 She had known Rose since before Rose was born , and had long since resolved to think nothing about Rose except what suited her .
3 They did not realise that three years would elapse before Black 's injuries would be sufficiently stabilised to enable them to be measured by his doctors or that there are factors in the functioning of the United Kingdom judicial system which would thwart him from securing justice in the courts .
4 Mourou , 42 , and his co-signatories apparently intended to disassociate themselves from the pro-Iraqi position of exiled Nahda president Rashid Ghannouchi .
5 A female in a long pleated dress is leaping over two animals , the neck of one of which is heavily covered with barbotine dots , perhaps intended to identify it as a leopard .
6 Along the top of the ridge near the ski-lift station where they 'd just been assembled and accoutred , forty of fifty unwilling looking soldiers were strung out in a line attempting to obey orders and words of command from Non-Commissioned Officers who had sensibly omitted to incommode themselves with skis .
7 He thought that the time had perhaps come to do something about Lorrimer .
8 Then there 's Helen , who knows everybody and is highly respected to say nothing of Betty , who will praise us up to the skies even before we 've spayed one cat . ’
9 a dilettante artist , a protégé of John Jarndyce 's who affects a childlike gaiety and simplicity but is really a shameless sponger ; his apparent innocence of worldly concerns is sedulously fostered to relieve him of any common responsibilities .
10 Someone obviously decided to do something about it , and we wonder why , and who .
11 He then has more chance of meeting females and is better equipped to overpower them in mating fights .
12 With earlier periods evidence will inevitably become more scanty and more difficult in nature , but pupils will be better equipped to handle it with their experience of using evidence .
13 Dear Rothenstein , Now that the Mexican president has provided you with the beak and talons of an Aztec eagle you may perhaps feel better equipped to face me in open contest .
14 I 've only got to do it to the end of today so , I do n't think I 'm going to use twenty do you ?
15 However — ’ he shrugged ‘ — my vet in Westmead ca n't be expected to come out so far so I 've obviously got to find one for this shop . ’
16 I 've always much preferred to sell it to friends .
17 Always before he had only had to touch me for me to be ready for the final act which we 'd always denied ourselves ; there was no reason to suppose that would n't happen again .
18 Low-level ozone , so called to distinguish it from the naturally forming ozone in the stratosphere which accounts for about 90 per cent of the ozone in the atmosphere , is created by the action of sunlight on oxides of nitrogen and reactive hydrocarbons ( volatile organic compounds ) emitted by vehicles and industry .
19 The Press was all geared to publish everything on Thursday , ’ Mr Prescott said tonight .
20 He swung the gun upwards on his mount and was obviously set to cut me in half with his next pass when the knifehilt appeared in his chest , lodged deep between two bandoliers .
21 His actions had caused him to be one of the most reviled prisoners among the white community , and the government had hitherto refused to recognize him as a political prisoner .
22 All letters would be greatly appreciated to assist me with my dissertation .
23 Such a complete reversal of her usual immunity only served to strip her of every vestige of confidence .
24 You 're only meant to take them in small quantities now .
25 Little wonder he saw some fresh sport in the pursuit of someone like Shannon , who was single-mindedly determined to keep him at arm 's length .
26 But the reality is that the court has not given to doctors any right that they did not previously have : it has merely declined to deprive them of a power which it is for them alone to exercise .
27 Why he seemed so determined to treat her as a friend when all her instincts told her that he was in love with her .
28 From one of these , situated within half a mile of the proposed Chirbury Station , it is stated that 10,000 tons are annually raised for local requirements , and that easy and cheap means of transit , such has the railway would supply , are only required to bring it into extensive use .
29 Many like this team from Calgary in Canada , only managed to free one in the time .
30 She had n't merely failed to notice it on her way out .
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