Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [subord] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 On that occasion I had the hardest fight of my career and my prominent nose was badly broken before I won on points .
2 ‘ I had rather expected before I went that I might not be taken seriously as a woman .
3 what you , your case is as I understand it , I 've only intervened cos I think the question did n't dis perhaps a lack of understanding this by Lord allow me to say so , what you 're saying is that erm , in fact , although not intentionally you 're prepared to accept the format of the brochure in relation to the on going charges was such as could reasonably be said by your newspaper to have mislead prospective purchasers
4 ‘ It was as if The Wedding Present only formed when I joined , which was nice in a way , ’ says Charman .
5 ‘ I 'm definitely less stressed because I do n't have to do the four things I was no good at — timesheets , billing , chasing debtors and doing my expenses ! ’
6 Rather unreasonably , I felt somewhat cheated for I had been the one to traipse around the town , forgetting all the preliminary work that others had done !
7 You two must be better matched than I thought . ’
8 In fact , that was only done as I walked through the door .
9 ‘ No , surely not , surely not , ’ all agreed while I sat silent .
10 Darkness had suddenly settled as I entered the orchard at Brigade H.Q Taff was in the trench , standing by his Bren swatting the mosquitoes and cursing loudly to himself .
11 Sometimes , after I 'd given them back their money , the customer would open the palm of their hand and I would discover that one of the coins I had passed over had suddenly disappeared so I ended up having to give them even more bees and honey .
12 He said : ‘ I enjoyed the race immensely because I was better trained than I have been previously and , of course , it is always rewarding when you better your personal best .
13 First of all my physical world constrains me in so far as every other car will be travelling on the left-hand side and my progress might be somewhat impeded if I chose otherwise ; secondly , it is a rule that is being followed by every driver .
14 ‘ I was so suprised when I got the letter telling me about the award that I burst into tears , ’ says Joan , a widow .
15 Not that I have to make the same choices as someone I acknowledge to be more discriminating , since my differently constituted palate may react differently , but my own choice will be better informed if I heed nuances which I would have missed if he had not pointed them out .
16 I am glad therefore that the idea of appointed or co-opted members as well as magistrates seen now to be pretty widely accepted if I understand the Noble Lord , Lord 's amendment .
17 However , my sense of superiority was soon punctured when I gave a paper on semantics at the Philological Society , where my views met with scepticism and some hostility .
18 Violent blasts of rain had accompanied these rages of wind , and the day just closed as I sat down to read had been the worst day of all .
19 In a couple of months , they will be moving to larger premises , which Walker had just found when I visited him .
20 " My husband just crumbled when I felt it was me that needed to crumble and somebody to help me .
21 Yeah i well he 's just distressed cos I think Gill 's phoning him in the morning and she said she 'd give him a lift to the hospital .
22 It was something that was already planned before I got pregnant .
23 By that time I had already established because I did the documentary stuff , I 'd already established the ownership of the house and the house began life as the town house of a monastery called Priory .
24 I have an intarsia carriage which I have rarely used because I find intarsia slow and tedious .
25 I 've always I 've always felt If I thought it was necessary then that 's the end of it er as far as I know .
26 The hung from the rafters and hardly stirred when I walked beneath .
27 ‘ You were right , ’ he admitted , ‘ but I was whoolly riled when I heard what you thought on her . ’
28 I was really deeply moved as I had only seen such a thing before in religious pictures .
29 ‘ The first half was the worst we 've ever had since I 've been at the club .
30 The wee pink ones No I 've still got cos I 've only taken
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