Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [art] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Evans sees it as an adaptation of the Egyptian dog-ape , possibly developing from the monkey frescoes in the Knossos Labyrinth ; the monkey was not native to Crete and the animal may have been taken for a monster and so given an impulse to the creation of other monsters .
2 The Government should be fighting hard , especially given the importance to the economy generally , and of jobs in particular , to ensure that the bank 's location is established even as the European monetary institute is established .
3 On the other hand , people naturally expected a return to prewar " normality " — prewar living standards , the old way of life , and elements , at least , of the old political system .
4 Someone had thoughtfully turned the page to March and now the glossy colour photograph showed the Riot Squad drawn up in full battle gear in front of their armoured personnel carriers .
5 The administrators wanted to question both the manager and assistant manager of BCCI 's Brompton Road branch , so made an application to the court under section 236(2) .
6 Anne felt a stab of pain , although she told herself that she was not interested in John Redmond any more , yet eagerly accepted an invitation to Sunday tea from Sarah .
7 Rhodesia had long presented an affront to Ghana and other Black African states , yet Nkrumah still valued the Commonwealth connection sufficiently to support Britain 's compromise proposals .
8 The Convention not only transferred the Crown to William and Mary , but also laid down certain terms for the new rulers in the document known as the Declaration of Rights , and if the offer of the Crown was not strictly speaking conditional upon William and Mary 's acceptance of these terms , it was clear that everyone expected that they were to abide by them .
9 I thought I had sufficiently mastered the vernacular to be idiot-proof until one time in the Smoky Mountains resort of Gatlinburg , Tennessee .
10 Neville Chamberlain was naturally offered a return to the Treasury .
11 The life which Jesus advocated must have necessarily had an appeal to men rather than to women , for it would in many cases have put women in an impossible position .
12 The taxi-driver , the waiters , the receptionist , had all shown a willingness to be pleasant .
13 He had apparently had the misfortune to be dumped at the end of this bus-queue at the very moment when cinemas , dance-halls and public-houses were spewing forth their patrons on to the pavements .
14 which you you 've obviously had a mind to because you 've done the breakdown about the various other regions ,
15 But some big names have crept in as well — Abbey National , the Woolwich , Northern Rock , National & Provincial and the Leeds have all demonstrated a commitment to keeping overall costs as low as possible .
16 Indeed his work not only provided an answer to that particular problem , but gave a complete theory of a whole class of related problems .
17 Indeed , it would certainly fall out were it not for the fact that the bird has not only glued the nest to the leaf , but the egg to the nest .
18 They had not only forfeited the right to a political vote .
19 Ali had attacked the British bases in Iraq , and so created a threat to pipelines and oilfields vital to the Allied cause .
20 Where the parties have not only required a step to be taken within a specified time but have expressly provided for the consequences in case of default , this provides an indication , of greater or less strength , that time is to be of the essence , but it is not necessarily decisive .
21 They were discussing the latest political crisis , and so paid no attention to the blushes of the cringing lass , as Mum spread soap on her .
22 The arm-chair socialists were too engrossed in scoring advantage points over each other and so paid no attention to the bell-ringer .
23 One of these , Bernard Levin , memorably described a visit to Evita as " one ofthe most disagreeable evenings I have ever spent in my life , in or out of the theatre " , and " Do n't cry for me , Argentina " as a somewhat inferior melody to one he would hear as a boy , improvised on the saxophone by a busker outside the Albert Hall with only three fingers on his left hand .
24 This later evolved to " Falcon 20 " , and Dassault have since applied the name to every version , although the " Mystère 20 " appellation still remains .
25 He had just broken the news to them about Philpott .
26 Seb should have been overjoyed at the news that Anna was not to marry the educated young gipsy , but he knew that unless Boz explained it to her — preferably in a more diplomatic way than the manner with which he had just broken the news to Seb — she would be devastated .
27 He 's just broken the news to parents in a letter to each family .
28 Then she realised that Louise would have already broken the news to the bridge party .
29 The fall in Third World export prices has thus given a boost to the Gross National Product ( GNP ) of the rich countries , to the tune of something like $100 billion a year .
30 At home we were soon given the answer to a question which had been puzzling us : Who had saved us ?
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