Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [prep] [pers pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If there is if there are no er examples of er er dev individual examples of development pressure , as I say we have one apparently presented to us this morning I think one over a period er since nineteen eighty seven , it 's not a basis for a policy .
2 It had suddenly occurred to her that he probably had a family , a wife .
3 It could n't be Dr Kent ; she hardly knew him , she 'd only spoken to him three times , and then briefly .
4 She knew she was being ridiculous , but so much had happened back there in that elegant house , so many unexplained emotions had swung through her mind in such a short space of time , and she felt so wound up , so confused by it all .
5 ‘ Then you can do so today — at the barbecue , ’ Lucy hissed , suddenly infuriated with them both , although more so with Silas than with Doreen .
6 These are made by a gentleman called Adrian er erm who worked on the house as a as a labourer er but was so taken with it all he took to becoming a medieval furniture maker , has been ever since .
7 You were so much loved by us all ,
8 In Spain , about the only times when things got put in this much perspective were when Nirvana were actually playing — Madrid was still below-par , frenzy-wise , but a thrilling experience purely because the audience was so enthused by it all — and when I finally interviewed Dave , Chris and Kurt .
9 The problem is no easier with other schemes of the same kind ; accusations of chauvinism , racism , and inability to transcend the limited nineteenth-century world view can be successfully applied to them all .
10 But it is n't because I 've just said to you several times that one point two billion for a single franchise is absolutely ridiculous .
11 He had already seen to it that fodder had been stored in stone-built barns situated at strategic points on lower pastures .
12 I 've just seen to it that .
13 These doubts , hard to pin down , because reason easily disposed of them all , crystallised around the fact that Comrade Andrew too often smelled of drink ; she could not bring herself to criticise him for his partiality to the goose-girl , because she had learned so long ago and so thoroughly simply to switch off in this area .
14 So basically you just run at them all the time .
15 She had already danced with him three times .
16 Who was this monstrous man who had just inflicted on her one of the most unpleasant encounters in her entire life ?
17 He wondered if Heather , sitting in the same chair and gazing at the same view , had somehow bequeathed to him this reaction , or if it were entirely his own , a product of the self-pity Kingdom had identified .
18 All information held by or reasonably available to you regarding any potential hazards known or believed to exist in the transport handling or use of the goods supplied shall be promptly communicated to us prior to delivery .
19 Before and after … new cinema commercial features a teenage sufferer whose life is totally disrupted by ME OVERNIGHT FILE
20 Now , there were some who did n't drink , not many , and some who would n't drink , and Joicey always benefited from them all .
21 It 's always brought to them first thing in the morning .
22 The year 's resurgence of interest in travesties of middle-aged women , all ugly , strident and terminally randy , boucing around alongside girls in doublets and hose or whatever , intent on making respectful love to sugary heroines in lacy crinolines , has always seemed to me extraordinary .
23 It has always seemed to us better to face our competition on the basis of our chemical abilities , where we are undoubtedly strong .
24 NOTICE To : Smith & Jones ( Contracts ) Limited , whose registered office is situate at Coldharbour Road , Thames Marshes , Essex WHEREAS ( 1 ) You are justly and truly indebted in the sum of £1250 to Robinson Bros Ltd trading as Go Fast Transport whose registered office is situate at Cornmarket Chambers Ipswich Suffolk more particularly in respect of transport costs for the quick delivery of fragile machine equipment and related warehousing costs ( 2 ) By Section 517 ( 1 ) ( f ) of the Companies Act 1985 it is provided that a company may be wound up by the court if the company is unable to pay its debts ( exceeding £750 ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to you pursuant to Section 518(1) ( a ) of the Companies Act 1985 that you are required to pay the said sum of £1250 to Go Fast Transport ( GFT ) not later than 3 weeks from tomorrow 's date AND that if you neglect to pay the said sum or to secure or compound for it to the reasonable satisfaction of GFT an application will be made to the court for your winding up by petition presented by GFT under the provisions of Section 519 of the Companies Act 1985 .
25 They , they were probably given to them secondhand an'all
26 It 's probably got in it all his train numbers .
27 Only if it had been clearly demonstrated to me that trust status would involve a positive move in that direction would I allow such status to be assumed .
28 The 300,000 annual visitors to Nepal have also brought with them another problem — litter .
29 It was also indicated to them that while on the grade they would perform a limited range of duties as defined in a list which was published at that time .
30 He thinks it 's ‘ nice ’ that people credit him with changing British photography , with breaking down the class barriers , with producing memorable images , but he also seems slightly amused by it all .
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