Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The wheel came full circle last year when he suddenly became ill with a bewildering illness eventually diagnosed as amyloid of the kidneys .
2 Thus , owners who were forced to sell their land to public authorities considered themselves to be very badly treated in comparison with those who were able to sell at the enhanced prices resulting in part from planning restrictions on other sites .
3 Your sole and exclusive remedy in the event of a defect is expressly limited to replacement of the diskette as provided above .
4 There is no doubt too that parents have become more aware that immunisation can carry a risk of adverse reaction and this has been most publicised in relation to the whooping cough vaccine .
5 2.9 By transferring 1,000,000 new ordinary shares in Blue Arrow from NatWest Investment Bank to County NatWest Securities to account for a similar holding by Handelsbank NatWest and falsely representing that those shares were held by County atWest Securities Limited for the purposes of market making ; 2.10 By failing properly to account for the acquisition , distribution and disposal of 66,600,000 shares in Blue Arrow held by NatWest Investment Bank and County NatWest in the records required for accounting purposes by NatWest Investment Bank and County NatWest ; 2.11 By failing properly to account for the acquisition , distribution and disposal of 34,069,433 shares in Blue Arrow held by Phillips & Drew Securities in the records required for accounting purposes by Phillips & Drew Securities ; 2.12 By falsely representing that County NatWest had become interested in 9.5 per cent of the issued capital of Blue Arrow on December 17,1987 and that the board of Blue Arrow had been informed of that interest ; 2.13 By concealing the true position in relation to the rights issue from the Bank of England , the International Stock Exchange , National Westminster Bank and/ or the board of directors of Blue Arrow ; 2.14 By falsely representing that the rights issue had been honestly and successfully completed by reason of their general skill , competence and diligence .
6 A joint venture between English Nature and London Zoo 's Invertebrate Conservation team has resulted in Britain 's most endangered bush cricket , the wart-biter ( Decticus verrucivorus ) being successfully reared in captivity for the first time .
7 There are changes — the numbers were exceptionally high , as the hon. Gentleman graphically indicated just now — but still no one could claim that Northern Ireland was badly placed in respect of our proposals .
8 The support manoeuvre had been undertaken in order to outbid an existing takeover offer for Distillers from the Argyll supermarket group ; in April 1986 a majority of Distillers ' shareholders voted to accept the Guinness bid , then valued at £2,700 million ( US$5,180 million ) , and the merger of Guinness and Distillers was duly completed after clearance from the Office of Fair Trading .
9 Finally , Mr. Langley submitted that there was a strong presumption against the court having made an order which could have the effect of overriding or emasculating section 39 , and that it would be wrong to construe the injunction as being inconsistent with powers expressly given by Parliament to the Bank of England .
10 Retailing employment has been a traditional refuge for those workers most exposed to redundancy in other sectors , and as such higher consumer prices ‘ provides a form of social security for the retired and unemployed ’ ( Hills 1983 p.65 ) .
11 The machine-based fundament of modern civilisation has emancipated even those most exposed to severance from the requirements of life ; broader and less mutilated existence become a viable possibility .
12 Progress towards political reform under Nguyen Van Linh ( then secretary-general of the CPV ) " s programme of renovation ( doi moi ) was effectively halted by apprehension within the higher echelons of the CPV over the momentous events taking place in the Soviet Union and eastern Europe during 1989-91 .
13 Again both sides of industry are closely involved in their preparation , and in addition the Commission believes that trade unions should be " properly consulted in preparation of standardisation measures , and in the management of these Directives " .
14 The steady rise in quality of the materials produced and developed at Dudley Teachers ' Centre , for instance , is an excellent example ; the centre has an enthusiastic warden and much of the work has developed under the stimulus of an outstanding educational adviser , but the content of the materials has been developed by local teachers with admirable results ( mostly limited at present to print-form ) .
15 But if space and time are merely " forms of our intuition " , then the distinction between numerical and qualitative identity presents no difficulty , for in that case any two things can be numerically distinguished in virtue of their spatial position alone .
16 As between themselves the authority of individual partners to bind the firm can be properly circumscribed by agreement in effective variation of the basic principle set out in this section .
17 As a foreigner she had great difficulty getting admitted there as an apprentice , but eventually succeeded with assistance from the Duke of Orleans .
18 Everett was duly interviewed for suitability in a hall in Shepherd 's Bush on a Sunday afternoon .
19 No doubt there will be some complicated arguments about the concept of recklessness in the civil courts since this concept , commonplace in the criminal courts , is rarely paraded in front of the civil judge .
20 During this syndicalist period the ‘ official ’ movement was wholly committed to participation in the programme of modernization in which it participated with regional capital and the associated regional élite ( see Ben well CDP , 1978 ) .
21 I sat on a log among the shadows of creatures now extinct and others long since departed for pasture in the south .
22 There followed a long wrangle over Benedict 's future , which Sir John Merchiston eventually won by virtue of the fact that Robert Beckenham 's new wife was delivered of a boy .
23 Not out of the radio sets themselves , mind you , but — about a month after legalization — he flogged cassette tapes on ‘ How to keep a conversation going on CB ’ , with a follow-up manual listing good ‘ handles ’ ( mostly pinched from Lord of the Rings ) for Citizen Banders with absolutely no imagination .
24 The dynastic struggle was eventually resolved in favour of the Habsburgs , but not before the death of Zápolya in 1540 .
25 The largely vertical tears , ranging from 20 to 60 cm in length , were successfully repaired in time for the opening of the exhibition .
26 James Howe attended the village school in Skirling but left still young and incompletely educated on account of his deafness .
27 Francis Pym 's dismissal from the office of Foreign Secretary was widely reported in advance during the 1983 general election ; the dismissals of Patrick Jenkin at Environment and Peter Rees at the Treasury in September 1985 were extensively trailed over the summer ; the same was true of Mr Biffen 's dismissal in June 1987 .
28 A lot of accidents occur on slides , for instance , which are mostly designed for use by seven to 12-year-olds , but which in practice are used more by preschoolers .
29 Other important casting centres have since come to light in Nigeria and some hundreds of castings have been analysed .
30 Iceland : the Althing , which began to discuss the agreement on Aug. 17 , eventually voted in favour of ratification — requiring only a simple majority — on Jan. 12 , 1993 .
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