Example sentences of "[adv] [modal v] [verb] a [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 But love is n't an atomic bomb , so let's take a homelier comparison .
2 So let's try a higher one .
3 On the other hand many urban areas have sizable gardens and so may attract a greater number and/or diversity of common passerines than were once found here .
4 Solid bases give the firmest support so may need a springier mattress to compensate .
5 As Hopwood states ( 1982 , p. 43 ) : ‘ Familiarity with experience elsewhere should instil a greater realization of the differences between what should be done and what is said to be done , and what is done and what might be done . ’
6 ‘ Killer in the Sky ’ said a placard , held helpfully flat so that the Board 's staff above could get a better look .
7 Hardwick 's complaint at Hall 's conclave about inviting foreign architects to compete probably derived from the implication that architects from elsewhere would produce a better solution than British ones .
8 This means that , where the investor 's marginal rate of income tax is higher abroad than in the UK , he will not be liable to additional income tax in the UK , but nevertheless will suffer a higher tax burden on an overseas investment than with a comparable UK investment .
9 Fourth , the discount houses collectively may offer a smaller quantity of bills for sale than apparently needed by the market as a whole , either because they take a different ( to the Bank ) view of the overall shortage in the market or because of the relationship in the market between the short term interest rates at which they fund themselves and the relevant bill yields .
10 The words of evangelicals such as Hannah More could have a greater resonance in the context of the French Revolution when all the proprieties seemed lost , and political fear too could feed Malthusian fears of the growth of the working class outstripping resources .
11 As a general rule , the areas wherein the patient 's nursing needs are changing rapidly will require a greater concentration of skilled nursing staff than those where the patient 's health status is stable .
12 However , as the first fifth of the file ( 20 per cent ) only contained 8.483 per cent of synonyms , the four-fifths of the file loaded later must have a higher average number of synonyms than 34.063 to bring the overall average to that figure .
13 We really must keep a better fire , or see if we can put in some central heating of some sort . ’
14 On our rather hurried journey north through Norway , I had marked one or two places which I though might repay a closer look on the way back , and one of those was the reserve of Folkstumyren .
15 Perhaps someone else who saw him more often can give a fairer description but I 've never met a Whites fan who had too many good words for him .
16 Despite washing our hands ( not to mention our festering outdoor garb ) of Reading , there are more indiscretions that simply must have a wider audience .
17 It does not cover the dismissal by the vendor prior to the sale for the reason that the purchaser will either not buy the business if it contains certain employees or alternatively will pay a lower price ( see Wheeler v Patel [ 1987 ] ICR 631 ) .
18 The problem with ditching Eurotunnel 's management would be that there is no certainty anybody else could do a better job .
19 The higher civilization ultimately can claim a higher right .
20 He 'll also find out if he 's in the top three , and therefore will receive a further cash prize .
21 Cartoons are sometimes criticised as an invitation to anachronistic interpretation but provided they are used selectively they too can enable a wider range of pupils to access information .
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