Example sentences of "[adv] [be] make by the " in BNC.

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1 Although some progress has since been made by the meticulous work of the late Sir Ian Richmond and Roger Goodburn , it has been on too small a scale to support any attempt at a chronology of the history of the site .
2 Held , dismissing the appeal , ( 1 ) that the applications to the district judge and the application for judicial review of his decisions had all been made by the applicant in a criminal cause because they related to the manner in which the district court trials should proceed , and so his appeal was not from a judgment of the High Court judge in a civil cause or matter within section 13(2) ( a ) of the Ordinance ; and that , therefore , since no other provision had conferred jurisdiction on the Court of Appeal to entertain the appeal , that court had correctly declined to hear it ( post , pp. 256G , 260E–F , G–H ) .
3 Where the debtor has been adjudged bankrupt or is a company which is being wound up or in relation to which an administration order is in force , the application can only be made by the official receiver , the trustee of the bankrupt 's estate , the liquidator or the administrator or , with the leave of the court , by a victim of the transaction .
4 While it appears that the application to the Parole Board can only be made by the Secretary of State , he has no power to release a prisoner on licence until he receives the board 's recommendation to do so .
5 A further point was taken by Mr. Scrivener that the decisions referred to in the subsection can only be made by the Secretary of State personally and that he may not delegate or transfer the power to make the decision to a minister of state , as happened in the case of Mr. Pegg .
6 Further changes to this DC may only be made by the new user associated with it .
7 We are involved in an exercise of partnership through sharing know-how with those republics in a wide variety of different areas , but any changes must necessarily be made by the republics themselves .
8 But the decision for closure had in any case already been made by the predecessor AHA .
9 Carson ( 1971 ) identified the achievement that had already been made by the mechanics approach and predicted that more would follow , but that because most erosional processes are weathering-limited to varying degrees , therefore on a geological time-scale erosion mechanics must be closely linked with the mechanics and chemistry of rock breakdown .
10 The point about the duopoly policy in telecommunications has already been made by the statistics .
11 To the extent that statutory changes were necessitated by these recommendations , they have largely been made by the Courts and Legal Service Act 1990 , Part I. Consequently , the relationship between the jurisdiction and procedure of the county courts and High Court will change over the next few years .
12 This appointment will normally be made by the debentureholder under an express or implied power in the debenture , or by the court .
13 Further , tacit acceptance of its reputation and credibility in that role was visible through the disinclination of most LEAs to assume direct and full responsibility for liberal adult education and their acceptance of the legitimacy of the provision already being made by the WEA and the universities .
14 Provision for the subsistence of those no longer working has always been made by the community .
15 The Future Development of Auditing , issued by the Auditing Practices Board , is the most important attempt to bridge the expectations gap that has ever been made by the British profession .
16 In both cases a site visit will usually be made by the inspector , so he or she can see the property , usually accompanied by the appellant and the council .
17 Price is directly related to size , and comparisons should always be made by the m 2 rather than simply between individual rugs .
18 At Mr Barnes ' request further inquiries into the case have also been made by the Irish Garda .
19 No doubt considerable generalisations have also been made by the French but the division into more zones ( each with different financial incentives ) gives one a greater sense of confidence that care has gone into linking agricultural supports to real variations in handicap .
20 Claims have also been made by the inhabitants of protected territories in domestic courts .
21 A decision that a local authority should take proceedings for libel , if the action were available at law , would probably be made by the majority of councillors in defence of the reputation of the council with reference to conduct for which that majority might be responsible ; and the proceedings would be conducted at the expense of the local taxpayers .
22 The case for the common investment funds is also being made by the Official Custodian as she puts the divestment machinery in place .
23 It had originally been made by the BBC , which declined to show it after pressure from the Home Office .
24 The initial calculation of provisions to reduce stocks from cost to net realisable value may often be made by the use of formulae based on predetermined criteria .
25 A final decision will now be made by the Health Secretary Virginia Bottomley .
26 Attempts are now being made by the authors to cross these hybrids with wheat cells , hopefully to produce a wheat-tomato cow ‘ superhybrid ’ .
27 Plans are now being made by the local branches of CNHC to organise a day of reflection for people working in housing organisations .
28 And even if the case for agriculture is extended to include welfare considerations concerned with the preservation of rural life ( and such claims have regularly been made by the agricultural interest ) then the creation of mini-prairies and suburbanised villages would testify to its failure .
29 The differentiation between hypertrophic gastropathy and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome can readily be made by the serum pepsinogen A:C ratio , as all five patients with hypertrophic gastropathy had a low , and all Zollinger-Ellison patients a normal ratio .
30 If their application is successful they will be asked by the University to provide details as required by DENI , and nominations will then be made by the University to DENI by the end of June of the proposed year of entry to the University .
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