Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [verb] into the " in BNC.

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1 I thought of life as the Whirlpool of Corrievrikin , where all men struggle helplessly and eventually are sucked into the vortex of death I see that we men have nothing that we can do in this whirlpool except find another creature that will share the hopelessness .
2 Today the garden is still there , although it has long since been absorbed into the sprawling outskirts of the town .
3 It concluded that in the light of the great events of the war , Party affairs had necessarily been forced into the background , and divided reactions into three groups .
4 However , Lanovoi , a proponent of radical economic reform , claimed that he had only been brought into the Cabinet four months previously [ see p. 38828 ] " to create an impression that renovation was under way " .
5 Politicians , diplomats , aid workers and journalists of almost every nationality have all been dragged into the confusion and misery that are the aftermath of the Vietnam war and the American bombing of Cambodia .
6 Deferential coppers were a thing of the past ; they had all been conscripted into the House of Commons ' police .
7 However , the government claimed that no militias remained in Kabul , as they had all been absorbed into the regime 's regular army .
8 Over the past few years , the quality of in-service training courses for teachers has improved greatly , but I was n't prepared for the effort [ and financial resources ] that had obviously been put into the ‘ Quality in Action ’ workshop .
9 A credit for interest owed would not normally have been set up so the interest would be debited to the nominal account shown , which will then merely be transferred into the revenue account :
10 Legislation has put the matter beyond doubt in eight jurisdictions in the United States and elsewhere — for example , in France.15 In the United Kingdom , although some advocate legislation , it is likely that the new description will merely be incorporated into the law without more.16 The acceptance of brain-stem death may resolve a number of problems , but there is still the problem of how it is to be established in a particular case .
11 It considered that if the Community 's system of quotas in its present form allowed member states to introduce certain requirements whose compatibility with Community law could only be justified by the necessity to attain the objectives of that system , then such requirements could only be incorporated into the quota licences or other quota management measures which the United Kingdom must lay down for the management of its quotas under article 5(2) of Regulation ( E.E.C. ) No. 170/83 , and not be imposed as conditions for the registration of vessels .
12 Some documents speak for themselves and need only be handed into the court by or on behalf of the party adducing them .
13 From June 16 , a cheque with the word ‘ only ’ on the payee line , instead of the present ‘ or order ’ , and crossed with the words ‘ account payee ’ can only be paid into the payee 's account .
14 But er there is a a and I wouldn inevitably er one does stray into I know want it in particular points at the moment , but there is a policy consideration to be borne in mind as well , which erm does suggest that past trends should not necessarily be projected into the future .
15 He was only four seats fewer than Wilson and the Ulster loyalists could perhaps be brought into the equation .
16 Huge mounds of raw flintstones , imported from Kent and Norfolk , are constantly being fed into the giant automatic milling unit for calcination and grinding .
17 Petty-bourgeois and peasant elements were constantly being drawn into the proletariat , bringing with them innumerable illusions .
18 — Australia post claims that the delay is not of its making , ’ says reader Carr , ‘ and hints darkly that every package from Singapore raises suspicions in Customs Dept , as a possible vehicle for drug-smuggling , so is shoved into the ‘ hold for inspection ’ bay . ’
19 As the control group , 100 µmol of Krebs-Ringer solution alone was injected into the left gastric artery .
20 Gas is diffuses ( in most cases ) into the bladder through the venous capillaries , while the gases being taken away are diffused into the arterial capillaries .
21 If , however , the market is able to absorb information about the risks attached to future cash flows from other sources , for example the work of financial analysts , then the role of qualification is marginalised to that of informing unsophisticated investors about risks , the knowledge of which has , unbeknown to them , already been built into the pricing of their securities , but which might possibly cause them to consider whether they should diversify their portfolio or change its composition .
22 Perhaps part of the answer lies in the fact that much of the new technology which had been developed before and during the war had already been incorporated into the capital stock .
23 He maintained that Latin America had already been drawn into the capitalist system in a dependent role , and that the activities of imperialism would ensure that it would retain this colonial status .
24 Here learners have already been socialized into the schematic knowledge associated with their mother tongue : they are initiated into their culture in the very process of language learning .
25 The moderate pluralism of bargains , balance , and compromise within rules of the game designed to ensure fair play and fair shares for all had somehow been transformed into the perverted and self-defeating hyperpluralism of strong groups and weak government operating on the basis of a free-for-all where might was right .
26 There is a hollow boom of surf as if some massive object has just been chucked into the sea .
27 That 's the motto of an 82-year-old North Yorkshire woman who 's just been accepted into the Writers Guild .
28 But sociological explanations of this kind have nevertheless been incorporated into the general category of positivist criminology because of their implication that the invention is not freely made but forced : some problem confronted by individuals in their environment pushes them out of convention and into crime .
29 The report recommended that public schools should progressively be integrated into the state system by taking pupils who would be given state grants .
30 Sandra Walker finds her inspiration in bricks and buildings rather than landscapes , and could soon be accepted into the prestigious Royal Institute of Watercolour painters .
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