Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [verb] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Assuming the car had gone missing at the same ti me as Angela Morgan , it might have been there for over a week ; it had only been found that evening by a uniformed constable who was keeping his eyes open .
2 It has long been accepted that people make jokes about what frightens them and that groups who feel oppressed use humour as a way of releasing negative feelings to those in power .
3 It has long been recognised that women who devote years of their lives to bringing up children lose out in the pension stakes .
4 However , even before the Act of 1989 made the distinction clear for all to see , it had long been recognised that wardship was only machinery and that the court 's inherent jurisdiction could be exercised whether or not the child was a ward : see , for example , In re L. ( An Infant ) [ 1968 ] P. 119 , 157 .
5 Where the task involves a number of choices , i.e. there is a choice reaction time , it has long been recognised that reaction time rose progressively with the number of possible choices , but why and to what extent where not understood .
6 It has long been recognised that expressions such as to pull someone 's leg , to have a bee in one 's bonnet , to kick the bucket , to cook someone 's goose , to be off one 's rocker , round the bend , up the creek , etc. are semantically peculiar .
7 It has long been recognised that maternity services should respond more to the emotional needs of its female consumers , and there are radical midwives such as Caroline Flint who are working to change today 's medicalisation of pregnancy .
8 It has long been recognized that Pausanias gave a Herodotean dress and added some comments of his own to what must ultimately be a third-century B.C. account of the Celtic attack ( O. Regenbogen , P.-W. , s.v .
9 It has long been recognized that reading can provide young pupils with the chance to develop a general ‘ feel for the language ’ .
10 The Standard commentary column enthused again about the benefits that would accrue to the town ; ‘ people of means and leisure will take up residence in the district ; it has long been said that Henley needed further attractions and the present move is assuredly one in the right direction ’ .
11 Although the fish are probably using water currents , the sun or a magnetic sense to help them achieve this feat , it has long been suspected that smell is also involved .
12 It has long been known that creatures such as molluscs , and indeed the embryos of most living things , come into existence in our physical world in such a fashion that their early development is characterised by either radial or spiral cell cleavage .
13 Of non-flowering plants , it has been argued that ferns have a lower associated insect fauna , though it has long been known that bracken has a large number of associated arthropods .
14 This is called precession of the perihelion , and is not in itself curious because it had long been known that precession of the perihelion is one result of the gravitational influence on a planet 's orbit of all the other planets in the Solar System .
15 Similarly , it has long been known that hens lay more eggs if they are kept under artificial illumination .
16 It has long been known that people who eat a high-vegetable diet have lower rates of stomach cancer , and this is particularly striking in regions of Italy and China which have a very high garlic intake .
17 It had long been suggested that Mayer had the sound technician tamper with the soundtrack of Gilbert 's early talkie His Glorious Night to make him sound risible .
18 The publication by Lobachevsky in 1829 of a consistent ( non-Euclidean ) geometry , in which Euclid 's parallel postulate is denied , should perhaps have turned mathematicians ' attention back to a study of axioms , especially as it had long been appreciated that Euclid 's use of the axiomatic method was , to say the least , inconsistent ( [ 106 ] contains stronger views . )
19 IT has long been thought that conditions at the boundary between the core and mantle influence the Earth 's magnetic field , but the supporting evidence is rather indirect .
20 Announcement of the terms in the late summer of 1905 led to a wave of resentment among a public which had constantly been informed that Russia was on her knees .
21 It could perhaps be said that Miss Cotrubas came truly into her own with the operatic excerpts that provided the second half of her programme .
22 It might perhaps be assumed that families sending girls to be compositors would be those where there was some interest in books , but the evidence is very fragmentary .
23 It should perhaps be added that Stewart was not attempting to enter the service at a higher than normal rank , for fusilier regiments did not employ the rank of ensign , the equivalent rank being that of second lieutenant , which was what was sought .
24 It has generally been found that people can only absorb around seven key ideas in any verbal presentation , no matter how well conveyed .
25 It has already been argued that physics is constructed through a series of dualities in which physics is rated positively , and other disciplines , chiefly the arts , are rated negatively .
26 Fears have already been expressed that NAB may become a creature of the DES and be used largely to make more acceptable to the institutions harsh government decisions on resources .
27 It had already been decided that Hayling was to remain as chief executive , and everyone who had been doing a specific job for the company was invited to carry on .
28 It had already been arranged that Eric and Daphne Lovell would drive Rose to her destination before going on to their own and would pick her up later for the return trip .
29 It has already been noted that contemporaries complained of the prevalence of this crime .
30 It has already been noted that interactions between infant and adult lead to the development of pre-verbal communicative exchanges in which adult and child are able to refer to objects and events ; successful joint reference makes it possible for these external objects and events to become ‘ topics ’ for further exchanges .
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