Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] not [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 432 , that this refusal of consent was a refusal in form only and not in reality .
2 We are well and have no worries being happy together and not in need William leaving me better provided for than ever I had expected .
3 The main flambeaux along the deck all died out suddenly so as not to backlight the fighting machines .
4 This was to assist the layers of the king 's soul to break free and find their proper places , so as not to encumber his final space-flight .
5 A rattlesnake 's fangs are neatly folded away when not in use but are swung forward for the strike .
6 This clever idea allows the pit to be shut away when not in use , making it look attractive while keeping the sand clean at the same time .
7 The formal and contractual element between the staff and the pupil is not present ; conditions are laid down , but verbally and not on paper .
8 That 's fine as long as you do it deliberately and not by default .
9 If we ask people to rank in order the six goals listed earlier , approximately 60 per cent of the workforce will put their highest value on relationships at work and home and not on advancement or achievement in a career sense , unlike top managers who place relatively much less emphasis on relationships .
10 A few local unions of an unquestionably bona fide description were founded and survived despite the difficulties of finding competent and incorruptible leaders who could adequately represent the interests of an ill-educated and frequently itinerant membership which was more often than not at sea .
11 This consists more often than not in impairement of prolonged voluntary anal contraction .
12 He had tried experimentally and not without success in the past , but was needed more often to revert to orthodox seam .
13 But the County Council still has some longer term debt , not external but internally , that is being paid now and not over time , and so the position actually will not change , so long as the Council continues to have more credit approval than it requires to use the new borrowing .
14 Which would make this Rohan some kind of relation , legally if not by blood .
15 In 1240 a rape defendant was acquitted on the ground that ‘ before and since , he has lain with her [ the complainant ] often and not by force . ’
16 The first essential is to check the clearance in the actual loft space to ensure that the ladder will fold away correctly when not in use .
17 The traditional Grand Tour of the young nobleman had not yet even the Grand Hotel in common with the tourism of the capitalist era , partly because this institution was only now developing — initially as often as not in connection with a railway — partly because noblemen hardly deigned to stop at inns .
18 And he was fain to acknowledge the tenant 's insistence that the bargain was sacrosanct : ‘ I can not much saie against that ; but yet I perceaue I shalbe a losser still by this bargaine , thowghe I can not tell the reason why ’ More prosaically , landownership was hedged about by varying degrees of limitation resulting from the security of customary tenures , accompanied as often as not by inelasticity of rents .
19 A person who is displaying an offensive banner in his front window so that it is visible to all the world clearly ‘ displays ’ within section 18 even if not under section 4 .
20 But this depends in practice , even though not in theory , on the current aggregate value of property transactions ; and the conveyancing monopoly is under attack from non-solicitor conveyancing firms ( who use a solicitor only to draw up the conveyance itself ) .
21 But his mature convictions were the effect of a long organised retreat from the simple dualities of youthful Marxism — capitalism against socialism , bourgeois against prole — and the first of his books ever to see print , Down and Out in Paris and London ( 1933 ) , had been emphatic that Marxist analysis fails to correspond to observed experience , the gradations insisted on by the kitchen-staff of a Parisian hotel or the destitute of an English doss-house being there because the poor want them to be there and not by compulsion .
22 He turned to a small cabinet mounted high on the kitchen wall , and in a moment had presented her with a glass of water and two white capsules that she swallowed obediently and not without relief .
23 The latter relax annoyingly when not in use and tend to slide out of place .
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