Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] on the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At the same time the general level of wealth in this unremarkable corner of the East Midlands , peopled entirely by peasant farmers , with a leavening of yeomen and only a handful of rich squires , was lower only than on the fertile cornlands of Norfolk and in the opulent Stour Valley manufacturing district — higher not only than in other , similar regions but also Berkshire , which the yield of the loans , 1522 — 3 , placed fifth jointly with Suffolk , and Gloucestershire which shared fourteenth place with Rutland itself .
2 Its glory is its sculpture , especially that on the triple western portal ( PLATES 55 , 56 and 57 ) .
3 Okay so I think that erm some of Mill 's system he has given us and accounted them a type of theory of democracy but seems to me deeply by between two ideas , one is that everyone will have a say in government and the other is they should n't be allowed decisive say if they are going to say the wrong thing so that on the one hand we have democratic equality of a source , on the other hand we have an independent theory of the good and a democratic process should be allowed to disrupt the good of the nation and Mill just does n't seem to be able to put these two elements in erm proper coherent fashion .
4 This gradual variation of the gradient is effected without disturbing the horizontality of the lift dock by providing at least at the upper part of the incline two or more sets of rails for each carriage supporting the dock , the said duplicate sets of rails being in different alignment and gradually assuming different levels , the wheels of each carriage being adapted to travel thereon so that on the diminished gradient the leading wheels will travel on rails at a different level from those on which the trailing wheels travel , the duplication of the rails and their difference of level being variously arranged according to circumstances .
5 It would be very suitable for horses , even more so than on the present roads there 's there 's there 's a better grip .
6 While the prospect of reconciliation between the king and the archbishop grew , it did so because on the one hand the papal ruling on royal taxation of the clergy had been relaxed , while on the other the king 's relations with his leading magnates were now rapidly deteriorating as he sought to raise and pay for an expeditionary force to Flanders .
7 Fourthly , there will be a greater realisation that the business depends on the strength of the whole chain of supply and sales , rather than on the individual performance of one part of it .
8 If , however , the primary purpose is to train scientists , then the criteria used to select candidates might in future be based on peer review of the departments , and a personal assessment of those candidates , rather than on the putative scientific value of the projects submitted for consideration .
9 If , however , the primary purpose is to train scientists , then the criteria used to select candidates might in future be based on peer review of the departments , and a personal assessment of those candidates , rather than on the putative scientific value of the projects submitted for consideration .
10 His structuralist theory puts the stress as primary on the classificatory coding in totemism and the intellectual component rather than on the emotional ( or the social and emotional , as in Durkheim ) .
11 In tropical countries , where disease due to D. viviparus may occur intermittently , the epidemiology is presumably quite different and probably depends more on pasture contamination by carrier animals such as may occur during flooding when cattle congregate on damp , high areas , rather than on the prolonged survival of infected larvae .
12 Elite studies preserved for some time their emphasis on stability and survival of political rule rather than on the visible exercise of power .
13 Employees who benefit from inhouse perks , such as concessionary travel facilities or free sports or entertainment tickets , will only have to pay tax on the marginal cost of concessions , rather than on the average cost charged to the public , following the House of Lords ' ruling in Pepper v Hart ( see also this issue , pp 22 and 85 ) .
14 It simply did not , and does not , offer a framework on which to hang a convincing story … the geographer , when he analyses the material properties of the man-environment systems , must base himself on the central functions of that system , rather than on the traditional divisions of physical geography .
15 These advisers are more likely to be accountants , rather than lawyers whose principal role in this respect is likely to be in advising on the interpretation of the statutory provisions rather than on the financial state of the companies which the information reveals .
16 The user , therefore , can concentrate on the structure and behaviour of the system under consideration , rather than on the technical aspects of the modelling process .
17 Although for Aristotle physics meant the study of motion and change in nature , the main emphasis was placed by him on the states between which change takes place rather than on the actual course of the motion itself .
18 It is clear that data obtained from these questions relied heavily on hearsay rather than on the actual knowledge of others , as well as of the informant .
19 Greater emphasis would be needed , as Watkinson proposed , on military intervention capability rather than on the existing network of colonial garrisons .
20 Like my Lord , Hodson L.J. , I prefer to base my judgment on that ground rather than on the alternative ground — that apart from any question of an offer by the wife to return , while she was still in desertion , there might have been trouble , expense or embarrassment if the wife had incurred debts .
21 Labov 's ( 1966 ) definition , like ours , is based on agreement on norms of variation within the community rather than on the absolute values of the linguistic forms themselves .
22 Automated Education Letter in December 1972 reported a talk by R. P. Henderson to the Royal Canadian Institute in Toronto : In the not too distant future we will see the world 's knowledge recorded electronically rather than on the printed page .
23 In the serrania ( the mountain districts ) there were large areas of poor pasture or small holdings and it was in these regions rather than on the great estates that Anarchism was later to find its most fanatical adherents .
24 It will inevitably by called ‘ blackthorn ’ , which should not be in flower for a month , bringing its ‘ winter ’ with it , and growing on short-jointed tangles of stems rather than on the slender longer shoots of these bushy trees .
25 He adds that the Greek government 's assessment makes no allowance for evaporation and calculates the reduction in the amount of water reaching the wetlands on the basis of the present total flow rather than on the present volume reaching Missolonghi .
26 This is difficult , particularly as most studies of the effects of the plague have tended to concentrate on the fourteenth-century epidemics , the Black Death of 1348–49 and the further outbreaks of the next generation , rather than on the recurrent visitations of the fifteenth century ( see Framework ) .
27 In practice it pays to start on the bigger warren systems rather than on the smaller isolated burrows with their limited number of entrances and bolt-holes .
28 So that demonstrates , that 's an example then , demonstrating the effect of an activator on a on the open state probability rather than on the single channel current .
29 Rather than on the single channel current or the number of channels .
30 A particular research project that I and two colleagues , Keith Baker and Erin Sloman , have a grant from the Science Research Council for is to look first of all at the problems of getting such as system with , well at the moment three but possibly up to twelve computers , working on a given existing artificial intelligence problem to see how to take this big program — it 's called Popeye — it 's a research project to study various areas of visual perception , as you say — to see how to break this down and have it running simultaneously on a number of much smaller computers , rather than on the single big computer that it 's running on at the moment .
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