Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 AROMATHERAPY can do a little or a great deal for you , depending on how much effort you are prepared to put into safeguarding your health and increasing your vitality .
2 Very soon , soccer grounds became ‘ advertised ’ as somewhere where a good fight was guaranteed , hence their appeal to the ‘ rough ’ sections of society .
3 Many lines were laid only where a considerable volume of traffic ( passenger and goods ) was assured .
4 Only where a significant source of pollution stops suddenly — a large factory closing down , a new sewage treatment works being opened — will a striking improvement in water quality be discernible .
5 Sexual jealousy may play a part in their reactions , especially where a new partner is brought into the home before marriage .
6 Cats have long memories , especially where a nasty shock is concerned , and may remember a bad experience of this kind for years afterwards .
7 In this context a clause limiting remedies — for example , excluding or limiting the retailer 's right to reject the goods , is probably more likely to be reasonable , than a wider clause excluding liability , especially where a total exclusion would have the effect of requiring the retailer to satisfy product liability claims arising where the goods prove defective due to the manufacturer 's negligence .
8 [ music ] But as this music fades into the Interlude the E/F figure is suddenly no more than a detail in the seascape , a gull 's cry perhaps or a slight turbulence on the water [ 3 ] .
9 Law as integrity is also a non-skeptical theory of legal rights : it holds that people have as legal rights whatever rights are sponsored by the principles that provide the best justification of legal practice as a whole Pragmatism , on the contrary , denies that people ever have legal rights ; it takes the bracing view that they are never entitled to what would otherwise be worse for the community just because some legislature said so or a long string of judges decided other people were .
10 As such , a student may take one or two modules only or a whole set of modules specifically grouped together to meet the needs of a particular industry or employer .
11 At its most basic , the message sent from a small dashboard display would give information about the make and model of car , its registration number and position — but there 's no reason why it could n't also relate that the driver was a woman alone or a disabled person .
12 But at last there was a kind of to and fro between them , more like a tennis match perhaps than a genuine conversation , with words being patted back and forth , but Rose at least was grateful for it .
13 Beneath and down-wind of the ash cloud there is a steady rain of fine ash particles , sometimes falling so thickly that a dark curtain appears to be hanging beneath the cloud , while in and around it electrical storms rage , with lightning flickering frequently , so that the whole effect is much more dramatic than even the most ominous of thunderclouds .
14 And if these stories are to be believed then Jesus was a walker too , liking nothing better that a hearty stroll in the beautiful Mendip Hills in Somerset .
15 These rolls were a speciality of Baden , and the people of Zurich liked them so much that a special train used to leave Baden early every morning so that they were in Zurich fresh and in time for breakfast .
16 So although a voluntary unanimity among participating citizens could certainly be regarded as an authentic expression of what all wanted as individuals , even that would not in itself ensure that the general good or the general interest was being realized .
17 So although a different totality might produce subjects who were neither exploiters nor exploited , such individuals can not be produced within capitalist societies .
18 The kind of norms we are concerned with here are sometimes called community norms in order to distinguish them from the superordinate norms that I have mentioned , and I shall suggest below that a major difference between superordinate and community norms is that , whereas ‘ standard ’ norms are uniform , community norms are sometimes more aptly described as variable norms .
19 Overcoming this Catch 22 has cost modern fusion research billions of dollars so far , using arrays of magnets as big as houses in order to contain the fuel at temperatures ten times hotter even than those in the centre of the Sun , and making it dense enough and stable enough that a self-sustaining reaction can occur .
20 It was bad enough that a National Front MEP should emerge as chairman of the delegation to the Swiss parliament ; worse still that one of Mr Schonhuber 's men should be vice-chairman of the delegation to Israel 's Knesset .
21 So I would like to leave you with this suggestion that art , better than a scientifically-constructed computer , is a useful analogy for the brain , and that the more that can be found out about the workings of memory , the more usefully shall we be able to understand the links between them .
22 Although , as we have seen , it is possible to step outside this framework , and find an alternative that seems to fit the life style of the person who has died better than a traditional church funeral , in practice it is extremely difficult to do this .
23 So far in this chapter , I have described some of the plainer basic shapes , for often it is the less complicated shapes that work better than a contrived design .
24 There was nothing he liked better than a good puzzle .
25 ‘ You deserved better than a one-night stand , Kate .
26 Does my right hon. and learned Friend agree that our talented children deserve better than a Labour council , let alone a Labour Government ?
27 But she still laboured under the apprehension that she had to prove herself better than a famous opponent who has been more successful than any other English singles player of the decade .
28 The reported recurrence risk ratios ( λ R ) , which are defined by the risk to a relative of class R ( K R ) divided by the population prevalence ( K p ) , fit a multifactorial model better than a monogenic model for both ulcerative colitis and Crohn 's disease ( see table ; note that recurrence risks corrected for sex and age are not available to permit rigorous analysis of these data ) .
29 Furthermore it is possible for a high degree polynomial to be only slightly better than a low degree one ( even a straight line fit ) , whereas the higher degree fit will certainly require much more effort .
30 You better than a sleepin' pill . ’
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