Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] i [vb past] down " in BNC.

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1 She said she 'd get on with the cooking better if I came down here on my own .
2 So and I went down in the pool this morning
3 I did n't stay at that school long before I moved down to erm the er Tins School on Chandler Street .
4 I sang down the Bottom Club , so when I went down the next week the manager said I 've just been waiting for you , I 've been waiting for you to come in he said so he said , look the group ca n't come he said , will you sing ?
5 It 's just if I lay down .
6 I said yes , but filling all my early evenings with this would prove rather inconvenient on those occasions when I wanted to go out , so we agreed a system whereby I would do some of the work first thing in the morning and the rest of it just after I closed down the switchboard .
7 It was just brought to my attention just before I came down .
8 Thought of him tonight as I walked down to the river .
9 and I was upset and I thought it was just that but no , it was about two weeks before that I went down with it .
10 It returned even after I stripped down the tank and started again .
11 So , yes so , when we went down to Rhodesia , I er , attested there and I went down , I went to Bulawayo
12 there and I went down to the at and he said we got your lintel in mate , do you want to take it ?
13 It was a rather rickety affair that creaked embarrassingly when I sat down in it and ever after when I moved .
14 Like our poor parliamentary candidate , I would have no chance of being elected , but it would be a beginning , though perhaps one I would have despised several years earlier when I looked down on parish-pump politics and intended to be the first woman prime minister .
15 You know we have a considerable holding of er , land immediately adjacent to the reasonable shopping centre there and erm , if and when things become buoyant again and I went down there a couple of weeks and I was rather impressed by , by the look of the area , then clearly land prices go up and we have the capacity to , to generate more profit .
16 But then they twitched again and I looked down to see , just above the sill , the curls and bright blue eyes of a snub-nosed child .
17 Her lips moved again and I bent down to her .
18 But apparently they know that I 'm really forward which is absolute , actually not very true cos Ed said that I was quite forward and he , I was only forward with him because the person I got off with just before him was bloody forward and it made me a bit forward but I calmed down after that , you know ?
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