Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [adv] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The government on Aug. 28 published a list of some 160 companies which would remain wholly or partly in state ownership .
2 The greater part of building in this period was , of course , wholly or partly in timber and little of this exists .
3 The Revenue will not subsequently be bound by any information or statements given , whether expressly or implicitly in relation to the claim .
4 In literature too , the period sees the increasing use of English , and although some bilingual ( or even trilingual ) writing occurs in the fifteenth century , notably in macaronic verse , the major authors , from Chaucer and Langland through Malory to Skelton and Wyatt , wrote entirely or principally in English .
5 They are prone to silting which slows the current and causes shallows ; water levels can vary so that both in flood and drought rivers can become impassable .
6 At the Cabinet level there were embarrassing signs of the Prime Minister being less than fully in control of events .
7 Through the following warm hazy days of summer , Laura had realised that she was suddenly and magically in love , for the first time in her life .
8 Since the 1960s , when a number of new social movements — among them the student movement , various national and ethnic movements , and the women 's movement — became extremely active in political life , a great deal more attention has been given by sociologists to such forms of political action , which may be seen not only as constituting a basis or context for the development of more highly organized political activities , but also as political forces in their own right , existing alongside and sometimes in conflict with , established parties and pressure groups .
9 And , although I was instantaneously and utterly in love with you — and quite determined that we should marry as soon as possible — I have been trying my damnedest to keep some kind of control over my emotions . ’
10 The problem comes when one tries to link such words with actual available historical tempo measurements , for the results are often quite obviously and inconveniently in conflict with each other and with many present-day assumptions .
11 By 1893 , despite economies which almost halved its expenditure , it was getting deeper and deeper in debt .
12 So that we 're prepared within the Rural Housing Trust to look at all these ideas , and we 've been looking at the whole question , we feel that this has got to be one for the planners , the planners must be involved in identifying where these problems lie , they 're not uniform , all across the country , er and it 's something that er we therefore need to use the planning er scenario entirely and fully in order to identify where the problem lies .
13 432 , that this refusal of consent was a refusal in form only and not in reality .
14 If voluntary organisations expand , especially if largely in receipt of public money , they tend to take on all the disadvantages of size and age — bureaucratisation or ‘ creeping formalisation ’ , as he calls it .
15 We are well and have no worries being happy together and not in need William leaving me better provided for than ever I had expected .
16 The fact that such grammatically incorrect combinations are frequently systematic ( Berko 1958 ; Ivimey 1975 ) suggests that children are organising their utterances on the basis of a knowledge of rules , rather than simply in response to environmental contingencies , and that such rules are , at least to some extent , generated spontaneously .
17 Gleneagles , for example , is now open all the year round rather than just in summer and autumn following a major investment in all-weather sport and leisure facilities .
18 The difficulty with this relief is that , throughout the period beginning when the employee acquires his shares and ending on the date on which the interest is paid , Newco must be a trading company or the holding company of a trading group , rather than merely in existence for one of these purposes .
19 The starting point was the issue of the opportunities offered to socialists by the current form of capitalist property in Britain , and my conclusion is that the socialised deployment of the personal sector financial surplus would permit a greatly accelerated rate of productive investment , yielding dividends in terms of socially useful output and employment , provided that the deployment of funds be carried out according to fairly well-defined criteria of rationality rather than merely in response to ad hoc political pressure .
20 The pitch shifter is particularly impressive , offering a full octave above or below in semitone steps .
21 Then , if it seems necessary , it is possible to go either backwards or forwards in time during that same lifetime to complete the picture .
22 We can then move backwards or forwards in time .
23 Their tests evaluated the rule-based grammar and Markov model separately and then in combination .
24 This chapter briefly reviews these trends , both generally and specifically in mathematics , with particular reference to low attainers , in order to set the NFER project in the context of current developments .
25 The expression of modal meanings , for instance , can vary widely from language to language and has to be handled sensitively and carefully in translation .
26 He dangled it from one finger , swung it slowly backwards and forwards in front of the tourist 's eyes .
27 Connie 's visions of her past are expertly merged with the present as she moves backwards and forwards in time , following an order of association , not chronology .
28 According to classical mechanics , in theory you could write down the position and momentum of every single particle in the universe ; you could therefore work out how everything is going backwards and forwards in time , obviously by highly complicated equations , but in theory , everything 's predicted so everything 's totally determined from beginning to end ; but quantum mechanics says that you can never record the momentum and position of everything identically because of the Uncertainty Principle .
29 A rattlesnake 's fangs are neatly folded away when not in use but are swung forward for the strike .
30 This clever idea allows the pit to be shut away when not in use , making it look attractive while keeping the sand clean at the same time .
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