Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It can also help on its own either locally or in the diet .
2 ‘ That you ’ Is normally proved by the officer who saw the defendant driving etc. , or another witness who can swear the defendant was driving etc. or by the defendant 's admission .
3 Its task is the Defence of the Realm as a whole , from external and internal dangers arising from attempts of espionage and sabotage , or from actions of persons and organisations whether directed from within or without the country , which may be judged to be subversive of the State .
4 Its task is the Defence of the Realm as a whole , from external and internal dangers arising from attempts at espionage and sabotage , or from actions of persons and organizations whether directed from within or without the country , which may be judged to be subversive of the State .
5 assists the Security Service [ M15 , M16 ] in defending the realm against attempts at espionage and sabotage or from the actions of persons and organisations whether directed from within or without the country which may be judged to be subversive to the State .
6 After a transition period they would receive cash-limited allocations from the RHA based on the number and characteristics of their resident population and would be free to purchase services from within or without the district ( subject to certain safeguards ) , from NHS , private and voluntary suppliers .
7 Longer-term uses ( either within or beyond the corporation ) are not taken into account , after all its your document , is n't it ?
8 Small mammals avoid the harshest winter conditions by living within or under the snow .
9 Bile for cytology was aspirated through a catheter within or above the endoprosthesis by the endoscopist and sent on the day of sampling to the Cytology Department .
10 Floating within or above the plankton , but often as permanent inhabitants , are the jellyfish .
11 Infection in surgery , whether from within or outside the patient , is a constant worry .
12 The general information contained in a long-form valuation report is likely to be obtained from a variety of sources , oral or written , from within or outside the entity being reported upon ( for example , auditors ' files ) .
13 Thus when determining what contracts fall within or outside the ambit of s 3 , issues of reasonableness , equality of bargaining power and the possibility of negotiation are in fact not very relevant , except in so far as they could move a judge to finding that terms were standard or not in borderline cases .
14 It is all very well to pour money into innovation , only to find , after the affluent projects have left the scene , the poor practitioner can not sustain or apply the innovations without continued support coming from within or outside the library .
15 and as soon as you 've parked , they 've obviously come from a home somewhere or from the hospital or whatever
16 Paragraph 21 exposes a gap , pointing out that an innocent acquisition followed by a dishonest decision to keep or dispose of the property was in general not larceny and that larceny by finding was committed only where at the time of the finding the finder believed that the owner could be discovered by taking reasonable steps .
17 No Tiller is ever seen with a man , she does not go out with a man , receive any man and the rule extends even to her father and brothers , no Girl holds a conversation with a man , inside or outside the theatre and if a man addresses her , she would say ‘ Excuse me ’ and walk away .
18 Volunteers are now engaged who may work full-time in the bureau in the hope that the experience , training and discipline will lead to a paid job in the future , either inside or outside the CAB .
19 So Libet 's experiments tell us something interesting about the information processing going on in the subject 's brain but they tell us nothing about the temporal relationship between physical events — either inside or outside the brain — and conscious experiences .
20 Daily purposeful occupation gives form to our lives , and if mentally disordered people are unable to participate in ordinary work inside or outside the home , consideration needs to be given as to how the absence of normal occupation can be compensated for .
21 In sandbag areas like West Belfast , months of patient hard work on the part of the neighbourhood police cam be destroyed as a single event inside or outside the locale increases Catholic distrust of or disaffection from the police .
22 Young found that the potential clients most amenable to the idea of headhunting were those who had a particularly confidential recruitment problem on their hands , situations when it was essential that no one either inside or outside the company knew what was going on ‘ ’ the real cloak and dagger stuff ’ .
23 This will include any late documentation from inside or outside the company .
24 For example , Kerr ( 1968 , p. 16 ) defines the school curriculum as ‘ all the learning which is planned and guided by the school , whether it is carried on in groups or individually , inside or outside the school ’ .
25 Yet today no serious figure inside or outside the health service would argue that we should return to the old system .
26 Nobody inside or outside the administration is making a good job of selling the tax .
27 Is the type of person available , inside or outside the organization ?
28 Do n't get defensive if anyone inside or outside the organization points to poor quality in your area .
29 They do not place themselves inside or outside the Renaissance by anything they actually do : it is we who place them there ( or exclude them therefrom ) by opting for one definition of the term rather than another .
30 Cameras are focussed on candidates , supervisors hover , and the taking of papers inside or outside the room is not permitted .
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