Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [noun] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Unless wages rise more slowly or output picks up faster than seems likely , Germany faces higher inflation and a growing deficit in foreign trade .
2 Difficulties created by local authority boundaries , especially where policies differ sharply and where these divide built up areas are well described .
3 The National Curriculum subjects will therefore have to be given priority for resources , especially where schools have not offered the full curriculum to all pupils , or in primary schools which may have done little science and technology .
4 His eyes watered so fiercely that tears ran down his cheeks , but he fought down the choking sensation and his self-esteem soared .
5 Perhaps although Andrus had not been personally involved , he knew more than he pretended .
6 But here they are , at the start of chapter 16 , wishing aloud that God had not passed them by on that dreadful night in Egypt , accusing Moses , accusing Moses , of bringing them into the desert to die !
7 To say aloud that God does n't exist is to thereby negate the Devil .
8 Bad enough that Pete did n't want her .
9 Similarly , to revert to the question of the 11+ , the fact that girls as a group consistently did better than boys did not result in more grammar school places for girls .
10 On the whole , the evidence ( P.A. Consultants , 1987 ) suggests that companies located in enterprise zones have performed better than firms located elsewhere in the local economy .
11 Now I know they 're absolutely outstanding vehicles , much better than Chrysler has ever done before .
12 ‘ It worries me greatly that Darlington has only one ambulance after 7pm at night . ’
13 As water is pumped from the Chalk the water table is lowered , in some cases falling below valleys so that streams dry up .
14 Either deficient or inappropriate perceptual data had been presented , or it has been inappropriately perceived , so that responses conflict rather than resolve .
15 In each of these episodes , Pynchon releases far more information than Stencil registers , so that evidence proliferates far beyond the latter 's tendentious inferences .
16 Where we agree with the suggestions of the feminist philosophers we have just quoted is in their insistence that philosophical theory comes out of experience , so that philosophy formulated exclusively by men will reflect the experience of men .
17 It has been tacitly assumed that someone , somewhere in an organization collates economic facts and integrates them through a rigorous form of evaluation , so that decisions become almost self-evident provided only that the decision-makers realize that no one can make perfect predictions and that some allowance for uncertainties is needed .
18 Above all , he criticizes the ways in which Hegel reduces the diverse historical totality of a society to a single internal principle , so that history occurs only through the principle of contradiction in the dialectic .
19 Interviewers have to strike a careful balance between establishing the kind of relationship with respondents that will encourage them to be frank and truthful , and avoiding becoming too friendly so that respondents try hard to please .
20 But because the new craft will broadcast at a high power , they will have to be spaced a long way apart so that TV sets in , say , Canada do not receive signals meant for the US .
21 But if we change our own scarcity belief , so that money flows more freely into our own lives , we have reduced — by one — the number of people in the world who struggle over money ; and we might choose to use some of our wealth to help others — not out of guilt , but out of love .
22 I asked the governor whether I could have a visit in the probation department so that Karen did n't have to see me in the gym with everyone else and I could talk to her a bit more intimately .
23 Machinery and money are available to lay drains in fields or to provide irrigation water so that crops grow successfully .
24 Thus , although the monies received are capital in nature they are deemed to be income for the purposes of giving the taxpayer deductions and reliefs and they are charged under Case VI of Schedule D. Thus , for instance , the remittance basis would not be applicable although there is no reason why general principles should not be applicable so that income arising overseas and received by a non-resident would not be chargeable under general principles whilst income arising in the United Kingdom could be chargeable under general principles regardless of who it is paid to .
25 Physically both had changed — so much so that Jason did n't recognise Kylie at first .
26 The purpose of having a timetable is so that all relevant information can be digested and acted upon , and so that bids do not carry on for an unreasonable length of time .
27 You do n't need to drain the whole system — just enough so that water does n't come out of the immersion heater boss .
28 Heating systems have to be balanced so that water does not all flow through the radiators closest to the pump .
29 It is important that they are kept in good working order so that water does not leak from the system and so that you can turn the water off when you want to . :
30 It came out , shaking so that water spun off in silver spray .
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