Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Whilst other nations wrestle with the complex problems of a modern democracy , the questions of press ownership , the funding of political parties , wire-tapping , privacy , freedom of information , the control of the security services , and so on , Britain has been content either to stand aside altogether or to legislate for continuing trust and deference .
2 has just completed an up-date for the Teachers ’ Directory to include all the newly qualified teachers and new addresses , telephone numbers etc. where known of established Q.T 's .
3 By this approach invasive fetal sampling techniques may be avoided entirely or limited to those cases where confirmation of a positive diagnosis is desirable .
4 Among its recommendations were ( i ) the creation of vents and energy absorption systems which would dissipate the force of an explosion ; ( ii ) the repositioning of cargo containers to ensure that any explosive energy was either directed outwards or absorbed by other baggage containers ; and ( iii ) improving flight recorders so that they continued working after a power failure .
5 The basic negotiating position of the United States , presented to the IMF in November 1972 , was that countries should peg their currencies to the SDR , but that they would be obliged to devalue or revalue if their reserves fell below or rose above certain predefined warning levels .
6 The forms of lighthouses and boats , while almost toy-like in their basic simplicity , are developed internally in terms of a large number of planes or facets , and since the sky receives the same treatment , the painting resolves itself into a mass of small , shifting planes , jointed together or hanging behind each other in shallow depth .
7 But sometimes you ca n't even identify an intervening variable , they just seem to have occurred together or arise in some way .
8 Essential oils can be used alone or blended with other essences to make delightful perfumes .
9 She had a wonderful memory and recalled much that happened in both world wars .
10 On a more phenomenological level , if we wanted some visual analogue to the associationist view of mental life we could not do much better than think of one of those ‘ psychedelic ’ slide-shows popular in the late 1960s , in which lights were projected through oil , producing coloured globs which met , merged and repelled in a series of kaleidoscopic patterns .
11 According to UBS Phillips & Drew , building societies survived the downturn in the housing market better than expected in 1992 ; the brokers forecast that falls in pre-tax profits will average only 7% .
12 If having encountered , say , the Rite , Petrushka , and Firebird , you wish to make further inroads into Stravinsky 's compositional genius , you could hardly do better than invest in this splendid disc .
13 Well done , that , so that goes for four , that 's for four then those go one , two , three , four , like that you see , but it 's four
14 Well A is twenty so that comes to twenty squared minus one squared .
15 So that comes to twenty five .
16 You associate that place with a particular set of activities , so that returning to that place reinforces your mental concentration and allows you to work better .
17 So that deals with that because when I was originally going to do my er dissertation I was going to look
18 Mainly for reasons of security , firms can not afford to keep stock in warehouses so that confronted with sudden large requests , most can not compete with their better-connected rivals in the Russian capital .
19 So that means in another hour , you 'll be going nine hundred ?
20 For example , the bass knob , when pulled , provides an extra dollop of low EQ so that playing at lesser volumes will sound more natural ( having the same effect as the loudness control on a domestic hi-fi amp ) .
21 Thirdly , how does all that lie with new clause 10 and the submissions to the Scottish Office ?
22 Fishing is from 10am to 2pm and open to any junior up to the age of 15 .
23 Svend thanked her warmly and talked about next year ; she would see the exhibit then , and he would welcome any suggestions she had for its display .
24 Calm water : Mushroom anemones seem to fare much better if placed in quiet areas of the tank , where the current is n't strong enough to actually move the disc of the polyp .
25 Spring is generally the season in which to sow , but some germinate better if sown in late summer or early autumn , that is , as soon as the parent plants have flowered and set seed , and the seed has ripened .
26 Oregon only provided Medicaid to those whose incomes were 58 per cent below the federal poverty line .
27 I got out of bed suddenly and fumbled for some money .
28 Mr Havel , who has a genius for pinpointing the absurd , smiled gently and sipped at some mineral water .
29 Not merely was the transformation great in itself but , of course , on the largest commuter network under single ownership in the world — equating to the complete Dutch or Belgian railways , carrying two million passengers daily and accounting for 41 per cent of all commuters into central London .
30 Using the Black-Scholes model , evaluate the following calls and puts and compare your answers with the market values given below and account for any discrepancies : .
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