Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [vb infin] [noun] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 Its meetings tend to be jolly occasions , though coloured by the perennial frustration of the children 's book world : why ca n't we all get together and promote children 's books generically ?
2 He read that Yehudi Menuhin 's father gave up his career as a teacher so that the family could live together and organise Yehudi 's concerts .
3 Education may enhance the ability to produce justifications , rather than eliminate racism tout court .
4 ( 1988 ) and HMI ( DES 1990c ) , to reduce rather than enhance children 's learning , in some situations and in the hands of some teachers , at least .
5 Rather than ignore Philips 's cherished necessity principle , the Government turned it on its head .
6 Rather than match China 's firmness , it can be confidently predicted , the Hong Kong authorities will follow past form , cease muttering about their shock and horror over Tiananmen , and return to bland assurances that the negotiations with Peking about a post-1997 ‘ Basic Law ’ for Hong Kong are going well .
7 Well obviously one would like to make money rather than lose money erm I mean there 's the there are quite a few factors why erm Virgin er lost money last year er first of all you know we had er the very well publicized er dirty tricks campaign being waged against us .
8 When the Girls left to get married at the end of each show , rather than risk Jennie 's haphazard choice of replacements , she sent over the two Head Girls who were almost resident in America , Rene Todd or Dorothy Sabine , to make their own selection .
9 Rain was going to conceal her knowledge of his searches but Oliver bounced in with : ‘ Why did n't you ask rather than search Rain 's bag and car ? ’
10 This was the aporia detected by Merleau-Ponty : but rather than question Marxism 's truth , Sartre sought to remove its indetermination .
11 Ironically , these qualitative differences between men and women have actually been used to explain away and neglect women 's unemployment ; their unemployment is not perceived as a problem because it is not the same as men 's .
12 ‘ Boys , ’ I said , ‘ let's go ashore and find Flint 's treasure . ’
13 It makes one wonder how much longer its OEM customer , technology partner and minority shareholder Hewlett-Packard Co is going to wait before buying the company and putting it out of its misery — or is it going to stand aside and let Sequoia 's other major partner , Samsung Electronics Co , Seoul , South Korea nip in and snap it up under its nose ?
14 Our aim is to improve further and modernise Britain 's social security system .
15 Must not drink any more as have to drive home and collect children en route .
16 ‘ Ben Gunn , ’ they said , ‘ you can stay here and find Flint 's money .
17 ‘ It will take some neck for him to now sit there and sing Pele 's praises at this function . ’
18 Flashman may go ahead and appoint Fry 's successor without awaiting the conclusion of his talks with the consortium .
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