Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [adv] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 They had regarded it rightly or wrongly as a wangle and as an attempt to ally capitalist forces against the worker . "
2 Erm owing to the extent Chairman and I think erm we we have established er we were happy that the the level of development er rightly or wrongly as a as a commitment is already in excess of the hundred and two hectares being spoken about .
3 On the down-side of this variety is the fact that ‘ Broken ’ does n't hang together that well as a whole package , probably because it 's essentially a compilation of unreleased tracks from the last year 's studio experiments .
4 The computations are thus interpretative processes , carried out by the visual system considered as a symbol-manipulating system rather than simply as a physical transducer ( though Marr attempts to ground his computational hypotheses in specific facts of visual psychophysiology ) .
5 It is also relevant here that the story of the weeping bitch was a widely known one , albeit in moralized versions , as an exemplum , rather than simply as a fabliau .
6 Though circumstances are so changed it is relevant to remember that in their heyday syllabubs were regarded as refreshments to be offered at card parties , ball suppers and at public entertainments , rather than just as a pudding for lunches and dinners , although they did quite often figure as part of the dessert in the days when a choice of sweetmeats , fruits , jellies , confectionery and creams was set out in a formal symmetrical array in the centre of the table .
7 Thus , alcohol and other mood altering substances come to be seen in reality as mood-altering chemicals rather than solely as a perceived solution to problems .
8 Yet education is very much the sort of thing you might expect Moore 's principles to display as worth while in its own right rather than merely as a means to , or even component of , other things .
9 The fact that central government was now beginning to regard Siberia as an integral part of Russia as a whole , rather than merely as a colonial appendage , was marked by the abolition in 1763 of the Siberian Department ( Sibirskii prikaz ) , the central state bureau which had , with a brief interruption under Peter the Great , been directly responsible for the governance and administration of the territory since 1637 .
10 Perhaps the most technically outstanding examples of this are Milhaud 's string quartets Nos. 8 and 9 , which can be played separately or together as an octet , with each instrument in a different key .
11 Living in such a cloistered world such operations are never looked at objectively but simply as a means of gaining personal kudos for one small group within an agency .
12 In their care , the gardens have continued to be maintained excellently but rather as a commercial undertaking : there are innovations in the form of an expensive gift shop and tea-room — developments of which I doubt Osgood would have approved .
13 She was seated in her chair like a cold stone statue , her face turned upward and away as an indication of her contempt .
14 These indicate that three strands have been plied together ; they are obviously thicker and knit up more or less as a double knitting type yarn .
15 Foucault has even been accused of returning , in this work , to the concept of a totality in the episteme ; it has certainly been somewhat hastily assumed that the latter can be appropriated more or less as a new way of describing a historical ‘ period ’ .
16 He had never married , but his will shows that he regarded Elsynge , his successor in the clerkship , more or less as a son .
17 They 're more or less as a , I do n't think there 's a great lot of difference onl I d I , they 're not pushing , they have n't the same , the , I would like to say , I would say they have n't the same interest in their union , they 've not the same interests in the union as they had in the earlier days when there was a union .
18 Irwin , or any Viceroy , had by the end of the twenties only two possibilities before him : either to follow , for as long as British willpower and resources lasted , an unending road of remorseless repression , or to parley , more or less as an equal with Gandhi and his adjutants with a view to guiding the country , maybe fairly slowly but nonetheless unrelentingly , towards self-government .
19 For twelve years I had greatly enjoyed being a guest of some of the members of the Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers on their championship links of Muirfield on the coast of East Lothian , where once or twice as a boy I had played with my grandfather .
20 Once or twice as a hand grabbed and missed it lurched and threatened to tilt the corpse on to the crowd .
21 In that sense it 's a glorified soap — and I 've heard it dismissed more than once as a yuppie Dallas , though I find it as difficult to understand how anyone could see it that way as those people would find it to understand how I can curl up , laugh and cry with the characters each week and carry their dilemmas around with me in the days in between .
22 He sporadically published a newsletter about rare firearms , collected guns himself , and was the proud owner of a decrepit fishing boat that was called Bronco-Buster in honour of the Giants ' Superbowl victory , though the Maggot himself never referred to the beaten team as the Denver Broncos , but always and ever as the Denver Fairies .
23 In biblical language , God makes himself known always and only as the Lord who lays his claim upon us ; in that of Kierkegaard , he is the Subject who can never be reduced to an object , but is always the One who challenges us across the gulf of the ‘ infinite qualitative difference ’ , and so awakens in us the ‘ infinite passion ’ of faith .
24 She concentrated on the clouds , which moved quickly and smoothly as a train across the top of the hills .
25 Décor can be used imaginatively and helpfully as an aid to location for visually handicapped pupils .
26 And , in the country at large , the administration is seen more and more as a high-tax collector .
27 Travel companies are featuring Japan more and more as a destination in their brochures , and more foreign visitors are encountering the Japanese way of hotels .
28 But the petty snobbery and priggishness of which it is sometimes accused are in my view much less serious ( and in any case demonstrably declining ) than are two tendencies : the first , to make the curriculum and the public examination system a closed circuit ; the second , to be increasingly concerned with training — in other words , to think of its pupil-product more and more as an instrument rather than as an end .
29 The first is that of the relationship between theory and practice , about which much has been heard since the Second World War as higher education has been used more and more as an entry route by professions seeking higher status .
30 He was behaving more and more as an autocrat , The State of emergency inherited form Mossadeq had been lifted only on 1956 .
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