Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] down [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It was entirely grassless and a little soft underfoot , and it sloped rather badly down towards the sea by the midwicket boundary .
2 But the idea — current indeed in Anglican circles until the last century — that Jesus ‘ ordained ’ twelve men ( who became the first ‘ bishops ’ ) , who subsequently laid their hands on the heads of others , and so forth down to the present day , can certainly not be allowed to stand .
3 The balance in Japan is also healthily positive , at 54% , only slightly down on the first quarter of the year .
4 Do you think that are so far down on the totem pole because the people at the top are men and are taking decision that are n't in women 's best interests ?
5 Then pretend to lay the cards randomly back down on the table .
6 Yet , I always conclude , it might have seemed strange and unnatural to have shown too much feeling ; strange , and perhaps embarrassing and out of order , I being somewhat far down in the family hierarchy .
7 This was the archaic picture of a king ten times as large as a noble , a noble ten times as large as a merchant — and so on down to the almost imperceptible peasant woman .
8 He flirts occasionally with the rhinoceros and the camel as self-images , but mainly , secretly , essentially , he is the Bear : a stubborn bear ( 1852 ) , a bear thrust deeper into bearishness by the stupidity of his age ( 1853 ) , a mangy bear ( 1854 ) , even a stuffed bear ( 1869 ) ; and so on down to the very last year of his life , when he is still ‘ roaring as loudly as any bear in its cave ’ ( 1880 ) Note that in Hérodias , Flaubert 's last completed work , the imprisoned prophet Iaokanann , when ordered to stop howling his denunciations against a corrupt world , replies that he too will continue crying out ‘ like a bear ’ .
9 I never understand why the teeth of winter bite so cruelly down into the bone , how daylight sickens from the east , why Elsbeth is so chill as I lie with her , why the nights are so long , without word or gleam .
10 Oh goodness yes there 's mud , there was like Cliff Quay you had , you had your mud and when you come to chalk and further down the river you come to ballast near , near Al near the Albridge and further down you come to peat , then you come to green clay , then you come to Cattoes you c you start to dredge ballast again , Pinn Mill you 'd dredge ballast and then right away down to the sea you 'd dredge ballast .
11 In front , southwards and seawards , there was a stretch of gravel and then the ground fell away abruptly down to the sea .
12 but where , where it 's in , it 's Old Harlow it 's in Old Harlow , but further down , right further down by the Fire Station , he used to have a surgery down there
13 Further on down towards the end of the chapter , in verse twenty
14 Otherwise it 'd er fill right up down to the side the , the top of the boat , that was on a Sunday .
15 It was also partly down to the well-disciplined orchestra , although the jazz idiom of , for instance , Crown 's ‘ A Red-Headed Woman ’ is not really in the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra 's blood , and Libor Pesek was inclined to take more time than some of his soloists wanted .
16 It performed a Velcro impersonation , sending me spinning right back down to the pitch below .
17 Only , I wish I had ever shown some sign of affection ; I wish I had perhaps written to her — even if only a card ( and even though I was rather far down in the family hierarchy ) .
18 Now right down in the corner , bearing in mind my parents ' garden shall we say is there and the field height is there
19 The hollow should be about halfway down into the sponge .
20 They argued that , at least with respect to earnings , ‘ male clerks and shopworkers are now firmly among the broad mass of ordinary labour ; and indeed often well down towards the bottom of the pile ’ .
21 Never again would it scorch down the winding lanes to the Saracen 's Head in Lincoln , the destination for most of the RAF Officers in the neighbourhood on their nights off , or even just down to the local in the village .
22 He had to thresh with his arms to get himself upright again and , it seemed to Marie , all he had done was drive himself even further down into the mud .
23 round the barrel about three times round the barrel then right down into the chain locker but if you kept , let it ride what we used to call let it ride well well now it get so big then you have to run it all off cos you had one lever , that 's what you had and the steam valve could have all steamed .
24 People who had been out together at Castle Menzies , then on down to the Reel of Ballechin , conversed steadily , opening up their private problems to each other with a freedom well beyond the usual .
25 they want their evening entertainment , then they go off down , then on down to the clubs .
26 The boys and I climbed Avalanche Peak ( 5,500 ft ) , from the top of which you look almost vertically down onto the village .
27 We have attempted to align a previously independent field of inquiry , cognitive and developmental psychology , with evolutionary biology and particularly sociobiology , and in so doing have constructed an ensemble of models that trace , at times clumsily and imperfectly , behavioural development from the genetic blueprint to the assembly of the nervous system to the learning process — and then back down to the alteration of gene frequencies by natural selection operating within the context of particular cultures .
28 What they usually do is they go up and then back down by the church
29 Quietly she opened the door , and walked silently back down to the passage towards the hall .
30 Primary subcontractors will therefore transfer personnel , equipment and ideas about organization to their own subcontractors who in turn do likewise right down to the level of the single-person firm .
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