Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] as [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 This section 7(3) required the LTE so to perform their functions as to ensure so far as practicable that at the end of each accounting period the aggregate of the net balance of the consolidated revenue account of the LTE and of their general reserve was such as might be approved by the GLC ; and that if , at the end of any accounting period , the aggregate showed a deficit , the amount properly available to meet changes to revenue account in the next following accounting period should exceed those charges by at least the amount of that deficit .
2 I have to confess that on that , in so far as those that I 've attended , and I 've had a couple in my area I have to confess my surprise at the efficiency of them !
3 It was , after all , as long ago as 1899 that John Dewey enunciated the principle of his ‘ Copernican revolution ’ in education whereby , just as ‘ the astronomical centre shifted from the earth to the sun ’ , so ‘ In this case the child becomes the sun about which the appliances of education revolve ; he is the centre about which they are organised . ’
4 ( Although it was as long ago as 1884 that Marx wrote of the shift from worker as producer to worker as consumer , the degree of expendability of goods and their constant replacement by better and newer models has markedly increased during the latter half of this century . )
5 It was the first time South Africa has admitted it possessed nuclear weapons , though the United States government suggested as long ago as 1979 that Pretoria might possess an atom bomb after a satellite detected two nuclear-like flashes over Antarctic waters to the south of Cape Town .
6 It was as long ago as 1863 that Lister pointed out , ‘ the real cause of the coagulation of blood is the influence exerted on it by ordinary matter … the contact of which effects a disposition to coagulate ’ .
7 The caller asks if she can be informed as gently as possible that a very close relative has died .
8 But you want to be sure that your parents get to hear as soon as possible that you are safe , do n't you ? …
9 He asks if you would inform her as soon as possible that her son has had a serious accident and would she go straight to the hospital .
10 I would therefore be very grateful if you could confirm as soon as possible that you can contribute in this way .
11 I would be grateful if you could confirm as soon as possible that you wish the application to go forward in the current year as noted here .
12 I would be grateful for your written confirmation as soon as possible that LDU will be able to progress the project at this pace .
13 Well I have n't , it 's just that that people have said , you know , when the permissions available can we see it as soon as possible that was all , I just wondered if that document was available ,
14 Note that failure does not include collection failure — the absence of the sought item or topic from the collection ; one of the functions of a good catalogue is to inform users as quickly as possible that the library does not hold what they are looking for .
15 Mary Alston , arguing the case for a pay rise , pointed out in a speech as early as 1922 that It may be that prior to 1914 , women were employed in book composing only , but we must not forget the introduction of monotypes diverted hand labour to other channels correcting , making up and so forth , and in every large office today , not to speak of the small ones , we find women compositors setting , making up , doing author 's corrections and in some offices making ready for machine .
16 The perceptive Boris Chicherin spotted as early as 1858 that The Bell was " better at throwing government and society into confusion than at suggesting the precise path they should follow " .
17 Prince Charles declared as early as 1969 that his choice of bride would not be easy .
18 My right hon. and learned Friend has said as clearly as possible that he regards the second London terminal at King 's Cross as an intrinsic part of the scheme .
19 Although the proprietors and staff of EVERYDAY ELECTRONICS take reasonable precautions to protect the interests of readers by ensuring as far as practicable that advertisements are bona fide , the magazine and its Publishers can not give any undertakings in respect of statements or claims made by advertisers , whether these advertisements are printed as part of the magazine , or are in the form of inserts .
20 Although the proprietors and staff of EVERYDAY ELECTRONICS take reasonable precautions to protect the interests of readers by ensuring as far as practicable that advertisements are bona fide , the magazine and its Publishers can not give any undertakings in respect of statements or claims made by advertisers , whether these advertisements are printed as part of the magazine , or are in the form of inserts .
21 In this case too , by maximizing their caring role , males ensure as far as possible that their young are ‘ got off ’ successfully .
22 Educators must attempt to encourage NCC to accept their ideas and ideals , and to encourage NCC to insist as far as possible that SEAC follows their lead .
23 In each case , the solution involves balancing the competing claims of each subprocess , thereby ensuring as far as possible that each subprocess is allowed to contribute to the overall interpretation task as fully as it is able to , while not being forced to make decisions for which it , on its own , has insufficient evidence .
24 I do not wish in any way to take away anything from David Scott-Cowper 's incredible achievement but I do feel that one should ensure as far as possible that reports are written correctly .
25 He had been a scholarship boy himself , and he wished to ensure as far as possible that families without financial resources should be enabled to send their boys to the School .
26 Secondly , in the Fearon case it was not the right to exercise an economic activity which was conditional on the shareholders ' satisfying the residence requirement , but merely immunity from compulsory acquisition measures adopted under legislation governing the ownership of rural land designed to ensure as far as possible that the land belonged to those who worked it .
27 ‘ But in exercising discretion under article 13 ( a ) of the Convention , I have to balance my findings as to the interests of the children and the detriment which I am satisfied would befall them were I to order their return , against the fundamental purpose of the Convention which is to ensure as far as possible that children wrongfully removed from the place of their habitual residence are returned there as soon as possible …
28 ‘ in exercising discretion under article 13 ( a ) of the Convention , I have to balance my findings as to the interests of the children and the detriment which I am satisfied would befall them were I to order their return , against the fundamental purpose of the Convention which is to ensure as far as possible that children wrongfully removed from the place of their habitual residence are returned there as soon as possible , and the fact that the Australian court has already been seized with their welfare in the context of the divorce proceedings .
29 This is to suggest as strongly as possible that the first words written down about anything important are almost never ‘ right ’ — whatever that might mean in this context .
30 By this time diamonds were well-known to western Europe , and were worn as jewels , but even so it was not until as late as 1796 that the chemical nature of diamond was finally established .
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