Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 You 've only got to look at history … slavery which led into colonialism which developed into full-blown imperialism , right on up to the present-day immigration policies .
2 It was entirely grassless and a little soft underfoot , and it sloped rather badly down towards the sea by the midwicket boundary .
3 It maybe still the same now , erm because right up to the time I erm retired we , we had on occasions to pay for the residual value of a tyre , perhaps a bus had been in accident and the tyre had suffered damage which it was n't possible to repair it or retread it , perhaps a hole had been pierced through the wall , they scrapped that tyre and we had to pay for the residual value , mind you being in accident we could then claim it off the insurance company but , so right up to the time I retired that 's how tyres were paid for .
4 His underwear will be perfectly all right in with the other clothes .
5 If the Government spends less than the budget says it would spend during the year , then it is obviously better off at the end of the year and can then spend more or repay borrowings or reduce taxes .
6 If defectors stayed at home the intelligence world would be much better off as a result .
7 On reflection , the catering industry may well be much better off as a result of the Government 's proposals for a self-regulatory approach , but it all depends at the end of the day on how well it gets its act together , using Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment systems to identify the problem areas .
8 ‘ You 'd be much better off in the dining-room , ’ Alexandra said to the mice .
9 He pushed her gently down on to the settee and sat so close to her that she could hardly breathe for fear that she 'd betray how much she wanted him .
10 She turned to look at him , and he drew her gently down on to the cool grass .
11 Llewelyn caught her by the hand as she rose , with one of those warm , moving gestures of his that came so suddenly out of the very centre of his royalty , to join him by the heart with the simplest of those who moved about him .
12 My Lords , I did not speak on the second reading of this Bill , because I spoke extremely critically on in the debate on the White Paper o on er May the 26th last year , but er I would therefore like to er commence by joining with my Right Honourable Friend Lord Whitelaw because I was so critical , in welcoming the changes which the Home Secretary has now proposed .
13 He was only just back in the house when he heard his Mum draw up in the car .
14 ‘ He 's only just out of the sick bay himself , and he might fall over and open up that cut again . ’
15 ‘ It 's because of that helplessness that I have to go , ’ and he walked so quickly out of the churchyard that she could not follow him .
16 The Democratic party has won the presidency only once out of the last six elections since 1964 .
17 In a more relaxed moment — and there were not many of these Ken told Fenella that he always felt ‘ obliged to go much more out on a limb than most people . ’
18 ‘ XYZ ’ is rooted much further back down the racks of dog-eared discs in the second-hand shops where Moose once worked , back to C&W , maverick balladeers and songwriters like Jim Webb , Lee Hazelwood , Gram Parsons and Fred Neil ( whose ‘ Everybody 's Talkin' ’ gets charmingly worked over here ) rather than soundscapers .
19 In some ways , we 're much further back from the starting line .
20 ‘ Sorry to mention a critic 's name so early on in the proceedings .
21 However , things are apparently still up in the air and OEMs are expected to gang up on the doorstep to get their two cents in .
22 But the idea — current indeed in Anglican circles until the last century — that Jesus ‘ ordained ’ twelve men ( who became the first ‘ bishops ’ ) , who subsequently laid their hands on the heads of others , and so forth down to the present day , can certainly not be allowed to stand .
23 My Queen , there is a gale and a high tide coming together , and the general view is that the women and children might be better off up in the hill-houses . ’
24 The balance in Japan is also healthily positive , at 54% , only slightly down on the first quarter of the year .
25 I reckon your sort of timetable for doing this wants to be , early next week to meet to work out exactly what questions you are gon na do and mak make a questionnaire and perhaps later on in the week Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , start to ask some people Now on the Friday this time this we this time next week you c
26 Maybe you were n't so far out with the name .
27 Chimney sweeps are few , and are not always willing to come so far out for a couple of chimneys .
28 Some outstations were so far out of the way , the public did not know they were there , said Prestatyn Coun Richard Edwards .
29 Do you think that are so far down on the totem pole because the people at the top are men and are taking decision that are n't in women 's best interests ?
30 Have you ever been in love , Ellie ? ’ he asked , bringing them gently back on to the track he wanted .
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