Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [vb infin] out the " in BNC.

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1 The moon was not yet up and in the darkness we could only just make out the rock face of the west bank above us , a cliff some thirty feet high .
2 From where she was standing , she could just about make out the shape of Patrick 's cap as he hurried down the back lane .
3 Now that his eyes had adjusted to the light , Patrick could just about make out the vague shape of the young woman before him , her face a dim grey against the paler shape of her nightdress .
4 It was the cheapest , thinnest , shiniest material that Madge could find and she had told Therese it would just about last out the Season before you could start shooting peas through it .
5 Yeah It would still probably work out the same though .
6 In other words , must both parties still fully carry out the contract and , if not , to what extent is either party excused ?
7 Most were confident that his military and political genius would once again pick out the correct moment for the decisive blow against Britain , and had no inkling in autumn 1940 that ‘ Operation Sealion ’ had been postponed indefinitely .
8 We should also not rule out the possibility that one may properly look to a historical explanation , just as a historical explanation underlies the fact that the comparatives of tired and spoilt — derived from verbs — are analytic , as in : ( 56 ) Declan is more spoilt than Karen Declan 's mother is more tired than Karen 's mother rather than the synthetic forms — tireder , spoilter — which we should expect from the monosyllabic adjectives which they have become .
9 We shall now briefly bring out the relationship between the Gaussian curvature and the Riemann curvature tensor .
10 did the Cro-Magnons indeed deliberately wipe out the Neanderthals ?
11 Swore like a trooper under his breath as the bus swayed through the leafy lanes , saying he could no longer make out the landmarks , that he knew such and such a tree or house was in such and such a place , he 'd passed it so often in the bus , but now could barely see it .
12 The likes of Arrow , Hahn and Malinvaud would certainly not rule out the possibility of Keynesian demand deficient unemployment .
13 I could never really work out the basis of his friendship with Steve and Paul They were pretty street-wise while he was just odd .
14 She remembered saying that she might very well buy out the others and live in the property herself .
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