Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [vb past] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Leathery tans long since fell from favour , but a healthy glow is still considered the picture of vitality .
2 But here again the knowledge is so practical , so much preconditioned by behaviour , that it can be taught and is taught mainly by doing what they are told to do on particular occasions and by not being allowed to do or to touch certain things that are always within their experience .
3 I only just stopped in time .
4 and er I mean and these were three young girls , they only just started to work and yet they 'd got a car and as soon as they finished they they were going on this picnic
5 But most of the mealtime was spent with her either backing away from his leading philandering comments , or racking her brain to think of some comments or questions of her own — other than those that so easily sprang to mind , but which all centred around his employer .
6 It only ever happened at night .
7 The wind we had waited for so long quickly rose to gale force , and drove us on a desperate roller-coaster ride for five days and nights .
8 Engels 's argument is clear : the Germans were able to vanquish the Romans because their society was not so internally corrupted by class .
9 It so nearly ended in tragedy .
10 From the Villa Elena you can see no fewer than eleven extinct volcanos and a distant view of the sea , only slightly marred by smoke belching from an industrial plant two miles away .
11 They made love on the cool marble floor of the terrace , and much later went to bed and slept in each other 's arms for the first time in months .
12 This work , however , only really came to fruition in Engels 's famous book The Origin of the Family , Private Property and the State , a book which although written after Marx 's death was extensively based on his notes .
13 With the temperament and much of the left-handed style of Larry Gomes who so often acted as foil to the dynamic stroke-makers of the early 1980s , Adams moved from 23 to 79 before running out of partners .
14 Mrs Tain ex-Kinlochewe had long ago retired to bed .
15 If a copy of ‘ If ’ ever existed at Anfield , however , it was probably long ago used as loo paper , judging by the bad-tempered reaction of manager Graeme Souness to defeat .
16 ‘ We ran into a dense bank of fog , so dense that Seawell 's plane just suddenly disappeared from view .
17 Easily enough said with hindsight , but then Eric William was not the kind of man who hid his talents behind a bushel , for as Ivar Oxaal noticed , ‘ Eric Williams was always fundamentally , legally , morally and intellectually right ’ while his opponents were ‘ usually incompetent , malicious , and weak-willed creatures ’ who ‘ are reduced to an incoherent blubbering as the omnipotent young black colonial reduces their arguments to ashes . ’
18 We feel we can go on eating and drinking and living for today , just mildly titillated by guilt .
19 He lighted his cigar , puffed furiously , sank back in his seat , as far as it would allow him to , and stared fixedly through the windscreen , already lightly furred with snow .
20 But ‘ it just never felt like home , ’ adds Elaine .
21 And then he just never went to school and they maintained they 'd got a private .
22 ‘ Political Leaders ’ in the localities , and especially the Block and Cell Leaders ( that is , those who most directly came into contact with ordinary citizens and most plainly encountered popular feeling ) , were , the report stated , suffering from the fact that ‘ their work was not properly appreciated and acknowledged either by people 's comrades or by superior Party offices ’ .
23 In the event it took the two of them , scrambling and sliding downwards beside each other , faces to the rocks , only some five or six minutes to reach the spot where the railing which Sven Hjerson had noticed further along had in fact stopped the couple 's fall .
24 It is a formless landscape , usually thickly blanketed with smoke .
25 Tony applauded loudly with the rest and the applause continued until the young man once more strolled on stage , this time dressed as a policeman .
26 For Jews , there is no subject more profoundly freighted with fear and with hope than Israel .
27 In 1681 Lodwick was elected to membership of the Royal Society , and thereafter frequently acted as auditor to the council .
28 Highly conscious of the strategic risks of the defence of Cuba , sensing that Castro — who had no orthodox Communist credentials — was too ambitious and unpredictable a leader to be a wholly reliable client , and ( as explained in chapter 4 ) already beginning to regret the extent of their economic commitment , the Soviet leadership once again retreated into caution .
29 Thanks to low oil prices , that pattern was broken after 1985 , when energy use once again rose in line with GNP .
30 In this way , Hegel 's system itself gives final form to the understanding of the world and of God which is imperfectly represented in all religion , more adequately sketched in Christianity , and at last attains its fullness in Absolute Idealism .
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