Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [vb past] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Among these are its smoothness and coolness to the touch , a degree of translucency , and colours ranging from the white most highly esteemed by the Chinese to the various shades of green , yellow , orange , red , blue , mauve and black imparted by mineral components .
2 On one occasion a friend of mine , resplendent in new sports jacket and flannels , rather unwisely walked across the diagonal market path .
3 I rather foolishly ran round the Staffordshire moors on Saturday with the perhaps to be disbanded 5th Battalion Light Infantry from Shrewsbury and caught a heavy cold .
4 Our parents long since disappeared into the vacuum of the war .
5 Nevertheless Allied airpower was probably the decisive element in determining the outcome of the war , with Iraq 's aircraft so effectively neutralized in the opening stages as to be seldom a factor at all .
6 Perhaps the only thing to do is to make her dance as Elizabeth von Rosen so memorably did for the Royal Danish Ballet decades ago .
7 He had seemed to sniff at the opened envelope as though it carried some scent , but the letter inside only peeped from the teat and was not taken out .
8 Depression clamped itself round Melissa 's head and shoulders and the meal she had enjoyed so much lay like a stone in her stomach as she drove home .
9 The next morning , after I had drunk some coffee and sat for an hour with the first suggestions of boredom stirring inside me , the Feldwebel who had enjoyed the ride in the Mercedes so much came to the door .
10 But afterward that Royall and princelie pleasure being not so much esteemed by the late King Edward the Sixt ( by reason of his minoritie ) and by the two succeeding Queenes ( by reason of their sexe ) , the lesse care of the due execucon of the forest lawes consequentlie ensued , and the keeping of the Courts of Swainmote and justice Seate i.e. , the Forest Eyre became almost totallie neglected and disused ; whereof the inhabitants of the said fforest … taking advantage , did by degrees , especiallie towards the end of the raigne of the late Queene Elizabethe , encroach upon the said fforest lawes by commoning with sheepe .
11 Er in fact it was put to me as as an option by Superintendent that this could be , if this could be done er at the time er if I recall one of the reasons erm that we were n't able to do it in such a way was that there are numerous exits to the block of flats and each exit would have had to be covered by at least two armed officers we only only had in the region of twenty five officers available to us at that time in the police who were authorised to be armed and to maintain such a surveillance , erm not only would be very costly in the terms of the number of officers .
12 She did not go into details : that she found herself so physically revolted by the process that she had begun to retch , nor despite being warned that all new mothers had a fit of the blues after giving birth , she had been crying most of that day .
13 I did n't look it I just stood there apparently fucking splattered against the wall , dribbled down and I did n't fucking .
14 In the Far East substantial territory had been more or less peacefully wrested from the embattled Chinese Empire .
15 And when their great Emperor Gia Long finally rose from the Mekong delta a century ago to unify all the peoples from Saigon to Hanoi , had n't he triumphantly renamed his new empire " Viet Nam " ?
16 He 's certainly saying I find a pattern here because he 's using it , as his pattern to understand and I only just said at the beginning what the , makes the Jews Jewish , what gave them their national character and their , their ethnic identity .
17 John Clarke of Swinden , for one , must have been a gentleman , with his income of £10 a year , yet his moveables were valued at no more than 30s. , with which he only just scraped into the top 20 per cent .
18 And how would such an affixation cope with the evident fact that the techniques , modes of expression and performers claimed by the counterculture as their own were apparently so easily appropriated by the established music industry interests , and the music spread into every social corner and function ?
19 Nevertheless , he only once travelled with the England party , to Rome in 1933 , when he gave the team a tactical talk before their clash with Italy .
20 There were still traces of ethnocentrism in the nationalist viewpoint elsewhere in the report : for instance , they still referred to ‘ the historic integrity of Ireland ’ ( New Ireland Forum 1983–4 : i. 28 ) , implying an almost naturalistic concept of Irish unity , when as a political unit Ireland only ever existed as a British-administered territory .
21 And I only ever went to the first reunion after graduation . ’
22 It may thus be possible that binding of pou[c] to this motif is mostly directed by the POU HD and perhaps further stabilized by the POU S .
23 Shapour Bakhtiar , 76 , who had briefly been Prime Minister in 1979 ( Jan. 3-Feb. 5 — see pp. 29740-44 ) in the last days of the Shah 's regime , was murdered at his home in a Paris suburb on Aug. 6 ; French police only discovered his body on Aug. 8 , together with the body of an aide apparently also killed in the attack .
24 The Italian press and the Ferrari team were furious , their fury only slightly lessened by the fact that Niki 's championship cushion still seemed ample .
25 His Lordship thought that it would be a strange doctrine of " looking for the substance " or looking through the documents which would produce a contractual intention so clearly negated by the documents and by oral evidence .
26 Except in the press room and hospitality suite , on the fifteenth floor , the festival only really existed during the twice-daily theatre events and at dinner .
27 Elton claims that the ‘ scientific , ordered , systematic study of history only really began in the 19th century ’ and he particularly mentions Namier and Maitland as two historians who ‘ brought a scientific and intellectual approach to the study of history ’ .
28 Here the answer must be found through small-scale sustainable business initiatives — difficult to foster without the huge scale of corporate funding so often avalanched into the developing world , but modestly emerging never the less .
29 He so often searched for the positive , supporting and standing up for CUM and Bermondsey .
30 ‘ I wish I had red hair , ’ Samantha said to her mother , inspecting herself as she so often did in the tarnished mirror surrounded with gilded laurel leaves and intertwined cherubs .
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