Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [adv] [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 These mathematical concepts are obviously rather well suited to represent the physical idea of superposition , which involves adding a bit of this to a bit of that .
2 In that collapse , the European Social Democratic parties , which had for so long bravely vowed to prevent war between their respective States , lined up with the belligerents ; the second International collapsed , another casualty of the trenches of northern France .
3 It shows a sensitivity that we have perhaps not always come to expect from Government Departments .
4 The counterpart to this is that they are naturally limited intellectually and so not actively encouraged to excel in academic and the more cerebral pursuits and , of course , they do not .
5 We 've heard about object-oriented technology for 20 years , but it 's only just now beginning to take hold .
6 The aims of Macintyre 's new gallery are to raise money of course for the mentally disabled and perhaps more importantly to inspire to shine light on hidden and unknown talent .
7 Perhaps it is for this reason that , in Braudel 's work at least , it is much more generously defined to include various stable but non-material factors .
8 The monitoring/evaluation process associated with LMS should assist schools in identifying and meeting the needs of pupils ; funds could then be much more readily targeted to meet these .
9 His restless mind had returned to the unfinished business of Benghazi and the possibility of destroying shipping which he had so far signally failed to achieve .
10 It has so far only managed to produce a sample P5 running at 40MHz — just two thirds of the 66MHz speed Intel intended — and can not get the thing to work at a faster rate .
11 British Rail has so far totally failed to do so .
12 Social studies textbooks have only comparatively recently begun to include gender as an area of study alongside social class or ethnicity .
13 Hire purchase had only relatively recently begun to blur what had been a fairly clear distinction between the highest interest which characterised the debts of the needy and the non-existent or low interest attached to other credit .
14 I remember only too well trying to beat the smaller fish in a French lake by using three 18 mm diameter pop-ups on the air .
15 She was prickly and sharp with him , and only too obviously relieved to make her escape .
16 With difficulty , though , she hid her ire — and it seemed a good idea then to reply to this high and mighty man with what he all too clearly wanted to hear .
17 Somehow — though how when it bothered her so — she had all too frequently managed to forget that she was supposed to be Cara Kingsdale , professional journalist .
18 The assault on Libya is all too conveniently timed to let Iran and Syria off the hook and speed the release of hostages . ’
19 Science and technology all too often seemed to overtake the wildest fantasies of Utopian thinkers , plagues of infectious diseases were conquered , people flew not only into air but out into space and landed on the moon ; instant communications brought a " global village " and so on , yet all this progress of science and technology did not bring Utopia .
20 Dorigo had a great game , I thought , but all too often seemed to have been left in sole command of the entire left side of the pitch — every time he went forward alone , large gaps appeared behind him , and the gaps were frequently filled by the ball and Sunderland players .
21 The unease of the Chancellor-democracy is not only a protest at the executive power of the head of the government , but is also a hidden criticism of the opposition , which all too often fails to offer an alternative . ’
22 Do n't worry , George , I 'm not about to sally forth on my old hobby-horse , not for long anyway , just long enough to try to explain what the greatest number means in the term the greatest good of the greatest number .
23 If asthmatics with reflux were somehow more readily influenced to have endoscopy than asthmatics without reflux , our results would apply only to a selected group of asthmatics , and selection bias would be present .
24 ‘ Those who argue that maybe we should just once more try to delay it must face up to the responsibility that they may , by their good intentions , create much more suffering than anything we have seen so far .
25 Accounts were no longer automatically fully trusted to give a clear and unbiased representation of a company 's performance , the Governor told the institute 's annual dinner in London .
26 It is not the purpose of this paper to attempt to redress this historical balance , there are others at work already far better qualified to do this .
27 So he 'd just damn well have to do what Edouard said , and go back to Algeria with his tail between his legs .
28 Virtually all the accounts we have suggest that the public schools , in spite of Arnold 's efforts , continued to exist in something not far removed from a Hobbesian state of nature — or rather , just far enough removed to allow for the development of tribal ritual .
29 But how could she ever explain this to Alexander , who anyway no longer wanted to understand ?
30 Sensuous of sound , immaculately directed , the playing somehow never quite manages to transport one fully to the idyllic world of nymphs and shepherds .
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