Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] to his [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Yet she did n't think she had imagined that , when her head had dropped wearily on to his shoulder , his arms had tightened about her .
2 ‘ He still cuts instinctively inside to his left .
3 A few years ago he was pretty effective I 'll admit , but that was almost entirely down to his pace , which he seems to have completely lost since his lengthy ‘ injury ’ .
4 Despite the difficulties Frere was committed to his new life and regretted only that enthusiasm came less easily to his wife .
5 You must be absolutely and totally out of your tiny mind ! she told herself fiercely , ashamed that , despite the apparent sophistication of her twenty-five years , she should have succumbed so quickly to his dark , fatal attraction .
6 Here things were much more to his taste .
7 No X-ray had been flashed up on the screen with a football-sized tumour for me to stare at , and my surgeon was playing his cards so close to his chest there was some doubt somewhere .
8 Even so , the hissing flare passed so close to his face in its fiery trajectory , it scorched his left cheek .
9 Rebecca had silk slippers on her feet , with the device that the King had granted the Everards embroidered on them : it had amused her , during the serene days between squalls on the voyage from Plymouth , to sit on deck and stitch the image of the seamonster harnessed by the naked man , halfway up to his waist in water , while natives in feather skirts cavorted on the shore behind .
10 But if you read that rather strange , moving document , you will see very well what I mean , when I refer to Russell 's emotional difficulty in accepting what commended itself so strongly to his intellect , a purely naturalistic , scientific account of what things are .
11 ‘ Either you tell me , or I 'll march right over to his room and ask him . ’
12 Pip struggling to become a gentleman and find mutual love with Estella takes him through his early teens when he left his apprenticeship right through to his middle-age where the next major change takes place .
13 ‘ Fucking amazing , you can just ring right through to his office .
14 The sun was low in the sky somewhere away to his right , and the castle on the Mount was bathed in magical golden light .
15 This is particularly marked in The Mysteries of Udolpho , for when Mrs Radcliffe describes the cottage in which her heroine has taken shelter , she writes of this ‘ bower of sweets ’ as though the reader stood outside it , although Emily , whose view he shares , is indoors , at her bedroom window : ‘ The cottage , which was shaded by the woods from the intenser rays of the sun , and was open only to his evening light , was covered entirely with vines , fig-trees , and jessamine whose flowers surpassed in size and fragrance any that Emily had seen . ’
16 He jogged easily back to his apartment , to snatch some breakfast , and was just passing his own car when Control made contact with him again through the bulky R/T he carried .
17 He speaks a few sentences of rapid Thai to the guard , who stares at the two of them , breaks into a comprehending smile and turns away back to his hut at the foot of the drive .
18 The silver-haired gentleman , who turned out to be fluent in English and very charming in a gracious sort of way , chatted to her amiably about the south of France , though Alyssia did n't miss the way his eyes wandered unconsciously across to his wife every so often .
19 Unable to free himself from the tangle of ropes and floats , Miles swam laboriously across to his daughter .
20 Her bare flesh came close enough to his face for him to inhale its pungent female odour and he peered around desperately into the gloom for some sign of his French companion .
21 The ethic of abstinence and effort could hardly be applied to the success of the American millionaires of the 1860s and 1870s , or even to the wealthy manufacturer , retired to a life of country-house leisure , still less to his rentier relatives ; to those whose ideal was , in Ruskin 's words :
22 Noting the gesture , Joseph moved smartly over to his daughter and escorted her back aboard .
23 The distant gunfire and commotion was moving further off to his right .
24 His reddish-blond hair , slightly faded , evidently not clipped , was a little longer but still close to his head , already curling , giving him perhaps the youthful or angelic look of persons in Italian Renaissance paintings .
25 He put the plastic bag on top of the battery , always close to his hand .
26 He retired from the Army in 1948 and returned once more to his estate at Bishopton , where he devoted himself to farm improvements .
27 It was a strange situation , which must have made a lasting impression on Richard , who was more than usually close to his mother .
28 Soon a large woman emerged from the block and walked smartly up to his cart .
29 Ballesteros took world golf by the scruff of the neck and shook it until it reformed into patterns more nearly to his liking .
30 The Kritian boy looked even more slightly to his right , but his weight was on the other leg .
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