Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] by a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Abortion is a political act , and as a simple act of Parliament has brought about the slaughter , so only by a political action can the law be changed to stop it . ’
2 But once again anger works through irony , parody , and pastiche , and is held together not by a unified dramatic voice but by a stylistic blankness a kind of black camp .
3 Anselm seems to have treated Rufus with more generosity and trustfulness than he showed to Henry I. This can probably be explained by his greater experience of the unreliability of kings ; perhaps also by a certain attractive openness in Rufus which the prudent and wily Henry lacked .
4 In any event , they are being taken sufficiently seriously by a large number of people to raise strong doubts in the minds of many about the viability of our present system .
5 Our pulses were quickened soon enough by a seductive menu and a wine list laid out according to grape and price by someone who has sipped well from major world producers and made some rare finds on the way .
6 The body of Kevin McEvoy was discovered at 7.15am yesterday by a 14-year-old girl on the first day of her new job as a papergirl .
7 Ignorance of the union world was underlined early on by a detailed target list itemizing the amount sought from each union .
8 However , the practices and procedures which the team has adopted seem to have been shaped more directly by a -latent agenda of issues : a preference amongst the team 's management for a " hands on service ; the maintenance , until recently , of a strong health authority orientation to the team ( a hospital base , the dominance of the psychiatrist 's authority , the hospital itself as a central feature of the Borough 's service pattern ) ; a separatism which has been maintained between the social workers and the CMHNs over the team 's access to health and social service resources , so that social workers may refer clients for social service resources , and nurses for health authority resources , but not vice versa ; These features have tended to rule out for the team any sustained attention to the developmental role — a role which is certainly a part of its official brief , but which is clearly not a priority in terms of its current practice .
9 In An 685 King Ecgfrith decided to expand his realm still further by a large-scale attack on the Pictish lands .
10 The government 's budget was strengthened by increased customs revenue and more particularly by a spectacular rise in indirect taxation .
11 Most of these teachers were undertaking courses leading to higher degrees in education offered by universities and more recently by a few public sector institutions , and in-service BEds or Diploma courses .
12 The method is for , say , a West Indian to pretend to apply for an advertised job and then to be followed a little later by a white person applying for the same job .
13 Lambeth — whose leader , Joan Twelves , resigned this week — has been run notoriously badly by a Labour-controlled council and is almost a byword for filth and incompetence .
14 Pipelines bringing Turkmen gas to Armenia via Azerbaijan were closed ; and gas supplies from Russia via Georgia were also down by a third , due to a combination of pressure from Azerbaijan , pilfering , and local disruption .
15 Through these roles the teacher intervenes in the child 's learning , most often by a careful structuring of the contexts for writing .
16 However , the reason why may lie in the fact that a cricket bat , tennis racket and snooker cue can be used just as adeptly by a left-handed person as a right-hander .
17 The red-brick government-issue buildings stand isolated within a security fence , surrounded even today only by a few houses , fields , orchards and small villages housing some of Britain 's finest racehorse stables .
18 The achievements of the past 10 years will be jeopardised not only by the present bout of inflation , but even more by a general loss of confidence in the Government 's ability to deal with it .
19 Wycliffe had to make his way past a small crowd of would-be sightseers held well back by a uniformed policeman .
20 This was illustrated most illuminatingly by a recent study in which a group of people were asked to eat more than a pound of potatoes each day ( baked in their skins , not fried ) in addition to whatever other food they could manage to eat .
21 The knife flashed , a steely glitter as lightning struck again across the far side of the gorge , the crackle of it hitting the rocks and followed almost instantaneously by a single shattering crash of thunder .
22 The most significant characteristic of this unrest , however , was the impression that it could be contained almost indefinitely by a skilful and manipulative military government .
23 Thus her household , which is unusual if not unique and which is financed at least partly by a charitable trust , in July this year totalled 39 individuals including adult helpers and some 12 children under the age of 16 .
24 One of the reasons Mr Houghton and his managers cite for staying in the pots-and-pans business sounds pretty lame : namely that the business was handicapped in the 1980s first by a recession at the start of the decade and then later by a strong dollar and so could now recover .
25 spreading by the blood , the bacilli become established in every part of the body and thus overcome the patient , not so much by local damage as by the great general toxaemia , which produces symptoms not unlike those of typhoid fever – irregular fever , rapid pulse , dry skin and all the evidence of raging pyrexia , leading to delirium and coma , followed almost inevitably by a fatal termination .
26 The door was opened almost immediately by a tiny grey-haired woman , who looked past Collins to stare hard at the two strangers standing behind him .
27 We continue on heading until we pick up another waypoint , the particular shape of a section of the B1052 , where a very sharp right-hand bend is followed almost immediately by a minor road off to the east and a small hamlet , Brinkley , further north ( J ) .
28 Somewhere close by there was an almighty splash , followed almost immediately by a large wave washing over them .
29 Thus in the theory of rubber elasticity the polymer chain is represented quite well by a random walk in three dimensions and from this the chain entropy and hence the free energy are deduced .
30 But alas , it was destroyed when I was there recently by a long line of caravans along the beach .
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