Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] i [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 So obviously I have the ‘ Stitch World ’ book with pictures of all the patterns that are built into this machine .
2 You see , I happened to be born in this house , so naturally I take a rather personal interest in its occupants . ’
3 I hate myself for doing it , but it comes so naturally I have no choice .
4 Though how much later I 've no idea ’
5 So now I know the work but I do n't know the pleasure . ’
6 The mind does not expect a swallow until after a chew so now I chew a small piece of biscuit and then pop in the Paracetamol and swallow without difficulty .
7 I did my hair first thing , so now I untie the ribbon and shake it free .
8 The fact is , I cancelled the appointment so now I have a morning at home to myself .
9 But every so often I go a bit crazy and hit a wall or go out and start drinking , but that sort of thing does n't worry me very much .
10 So here I publish a picture of him ten years ago when he was Junior Minister he is enjoying a marvellous a party at London 's Intercontinental Hotel .
11 I am above them , so high I hear the small birds sing below me .
12 ‘ Were they being designed afresh today I 've no doubt they 'd be done quite differently .
13 Because my plants are packed in so tightly I spend a great deal of time trimming and tying .
14 I followed him , Lily , and then — I could n't believe it — I saw where he 'd a desk key hidden , so then I put the books down sudden , and bent double .
15 So I 'm not creeping back for my job but anything erm it 's not that and erm But the lads in the lodge sometimes you 've got to and er I 've got a bit of er well a speery voice you know rough so sometimes I get a little bit of control on them and erm also as I said about these chaps that are working , erm we 're not blind , we know what 's happening and we 've got sympathy even with them .
16 We wear nurses ' uniforms , perform basic nursing tasks and are still called ‘ nurse ’ by most patients , so sometimes I feel a bit confused by all this and wonder whether we undervalue ourselves a little .
17 We have n't got the cash to do that so therefore I think the criteria must be , have we got funding before we embark on advertising .
18 They 're all right individually I 've no doubt .
19 Do n't know what Scott 's already archived but why they were n't put in boxes away somewhere I 've no idea
20 and I 'm now , it 's just now I need a doctor 's one .
21 But once inside I become a snarling , aggressive potential criminal .
22 Only fifty yards further upstream I find a smooth glide along my own bank that looks as though it should hold a few chub .
23 Good we 're doing family things today we had erm we had why these hard times are making the families pull closer together on earlier on and we 're all er looking after each other a lot more so I want a thirty seconds worth of family things today for Loot at Lunchtime .
24 Once indoors I want a shower .
25 Once more I sense the evil in our midst .
26 Once again I challenge the Minister to address the Southampton example .
27 Once again I stress the wisdom of working backwards , step by step , from the ideal long-term plan into which each new building is slotted in its turn .
28 ‘ If there is anything wrong then I have no need to be involved in it . ’
29 Rather apprehensively I let the other girls use it , on the strict understanding that when they had finished with it they unplugged it and stowed it away somewhere out of sight of our two gauleiters , hopefully after it had cooled down a bit .
30 Right now I have a whole set of ads I 'm just mad for , ’ Klein told a Sunday Times writer .
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