Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 As the foreword says , the Code is most importantly addressed to each local authority .
2 At the same time , his account of society has been one of the most bitterly contested of all social theories , for it is not only a sociological theory , but also a philosophy of man and a programme for revolutionary change in society .
3 In Scotland these include a special campaign to make the carrying of knives an offence ; the use of bullet-proof video cameras as a method of town centre surveillance ; and , most widely applied of all , a curb on late-night licences .
4 Frankfurters are the most widely known of all the scalded sausages , and many other varieties such as Bockwurst , Knackwurst and Weinerwurst are really the same thing but in different sizes .
5 The most widely spoken of these is Mandarin with about 800m speakers .
6 1968 ) has become one of the best known and most widely used of all language tests .
7 In the UK a study in 1970 found that people were twice as likely to continue with coitus interruptus than with the diaphragm and in 1974 the International Planned Parenthood Federation declared that this time-honoured method ‘ probably remains the most widely used of all on a global scale ’ .
8 It was usually taken , particularly when combined as it often was with the adjective " extraordinary " , as indicating a status superior to that of the resident : it became rapidly in many states during the later seventeenth century the most widely used of all diplomatic titles .
9 There are several drugs available which are highly effective at eliminating trichomonas from both sexes , and metronidazole is both the earliest and most widely used of these .
10 The most widely used of these tests have been described in a review by Bloomfield .
11 The most widely acclaimed of these has been John Rawls 's A Theory of Justice , which was published in 1971 and rapidly assumed the status of a contemporary classic .
12 At the time of the First World War the Shorthorn was described as the most widely distributed of all the breeds of cattle , both at home and abroad , and it far exceeded other purebreds in Britain while the great majority of commercial crossbreds also relied on Shorthorn blood .
13 One of the long-nosed Chaetodons , its range includes the Red Sea , Australia and Hawaii — making it one of the most widely distributed of all butterflyfish .
14 The most widely publicized of these consequences involved the accumulation of DDT and other organo-chlorides in the food chain .
15 The Provence seems to have been Miller 's favourite type of rose ; he frequently stressed its outstanding fragrance , an important consideration in the flower garden , and said that by the mid-eighteenth century it had become the most widely propagated of any kind .
16 Trypanosoma brucei is one of the most intensively studied of this group .
17 Perhaps the most greatly changed of all was York .
18 The young Mary Pickford went into the industry as the Progressive phase approached its zenith , and for Griffith she played criminals and prostitutes ; she went on to portray a whole variety of poor hard-done-by girls , many of them immigrants , many of them immoral or pregnant , before in 1916 she played a factory worker in the most memorably titled of all the films of this era The Eternal Grind .
19 While it is the Catholic Christian who will most naturally speak in this way , it is not unknown for the Evangelical Christian to make statements which come fairly close to that .
20 Even in this era of psycho-history , it is impossible to think of any other historical character of note whose public persona has been so submerged , and private morality so relentlessly pursued with such ruthless subjectivity on the part of those who have written about her .
21 I join the House in expressing sympathy to the families who have been so griveously bereaved through this tragedy , a tragedy that has been the experience of so many of the British people in Ulster over the past 20 years .
22 Therefore my clients would much rather deal with this at a strategic level than in individual district plans .
23 What is theoretically and politically interesting and puzzling is not that it has been defended by the powerful and the better-off sections of the community but that it has been so widely accepted by those who suffer as a result of its continuance .
24 More fundamentally , the Act of Settlement of 1701 , by asserting the right of Parliament to decide the succession to the throne , struck a decisive blow at the mystique of absolute hereditary monarchy still so widely accepted in many parts of the continent .
25 Will you be all right driving after that wine ? ’
26 The collection and analysis of data are even less clear cut for those facilities situated within NHS hospitals but managed by private companies .
27 This initiative is perhaps most needed in those very small congregations where there are few musical resources , and where the inability to maintain the ‘ traditional ’ style of music has led to near-despair .
28 The redating of many major groups in publication prior to 1960 , would be a considerable undertaking , but the time may have to come when this should be considered seriously , though the rather tentative suggestions made in the CBA Student 's Guide ( Webster , 1970 ) do not go very far in meeting this need , so badly felt by those now beginning in this study .
29 The legends are screen-printed on , that 's one better than stick-on , but so badly done in some cases that it 's a toss up as to which is the worst method !
30 For example , we apparently only came to some understanding of how the heart worked when we had within our conceptual framework the notion of a pump .
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