Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] can not [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We were only four wins behind Chris Dickson so we can not be too bad . ’
2 Since there is only one cycle created when I to J is added there will be no cycles left after the edge p to q is dropped and so there can not be more than one path from i to l for any i .
3 If such claims can not be " explained away " ; if they do not reduce to ascriptions of certain attributes to certain entities ; if furthermore they can not be paraphrased simply in terms of knowledge , or translated into claims about the syntactical properties of certain expressions , the question is , how exactly should they be interpreted ?
4 Obviously they can not be expected to vet all the publications they sell , and it would be grossly unfair to hold them responsible for libels of which they could have no knowledge .
5 Furthermore it can not be assumed that all RDS information will be received accurately at all times .
6 However , the coefficients of this model are unknown , and so it can not be used in the empirical investigation of the risk premium .
7 ’ — And so it can not be allowed to occur .
8 This broad sense should include the ironic , metaphoric and implicit communicative content of an utterance , and so it can not be restricted to the conventional content of what is said .
9 It presents , quite objectively , a vast amount of data drawn from official Government sources and elsewhere which can not be feasibly challenged by Mr Fallon or anyone else .
10 Meanwhile she can not be moved .
11 For the reasons mentioned above there can not be a double charge .
12 This case makes clear that normally there can not be liability as a constructive trustee merely for ‘ knowing assistance ’ in a fraudulent design if there was no dishonesty or lack of probity on the part of the alleged trustee , and if knowledge would not have been inferred in the circumstances by an honest and reasonable person .
13 It would normally not name its clients ( for commercial if no other reasons ) and accordingly they would not be identified ; thus they can not be indirect customers .
14 Thus it can not be stressed too strongly that the process of transforming publicly available information artefacts into information that is directly usable with minimal resource expenditure by the strategic decision maker is almost always a very difficult and demanding job requiring a considerable amount of intelligence , training and expertise .
15 Thus it can not be expected that a consideration of the species present in an assemblage will identify the predator responsible for bringing it together even for large sample sizes ( Mason & Macdonald , 1980 ) .
16 But when the word reached him , and especially when it was seen that Lord Grey himself was with the party , thereafter I can not be sure .
17 Clearly we can not be concerned with women 's smoking without being equally concerned with their general circumstances ; their health and welfare are bound together .
18 Clearly they can not be detecting the direction of the rays of light and moving away from the source , because illumination is from above .
19 Also it can not be left inside the premises each night without a good deal of work to rearrange the production floor to accommodate it .
20 Clearly this can not be a process completed during initial training but equally clearly it can not be attributed to the sole responsibility of academic or in-service courses .
21 Clearly it can not be the case that and that if 4 is non-zero , and so condition ( iii ) above can not hold in both environments .
22 But now we can not be so saved .
23 Once this process is underway they can not be dislodged by flushing the uterine horns .
24 Often they can not be practised on the home site because they are not acceptable on a busy airfield .
25 Even now he can not be straight-forward about it .
26 Surely I can not be like the old murmuring Israelites , to long after the onions and garlic of Egypt when they had suffered there such heavy bondage ?
27 There is a sense of deep admiration for the Soviet people and Soviet state here which can not be denied , an admiration echoing personal experience .
28 Even here we can not be sure to what extent the pain of IBS is a normal perception of abnormal physiology or a normal perception of normal phenomena .
29 At first sight this question might seem to be a nonsense : since , as we have seen , a reasonable definition of the Universe is ‘ everything that has , does and will exist ’ , surely there can not be more than one of them ?
30 Is , ‘ Surely there can not be many
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