Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] do n't know " in BNC.

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1 If I settle back there 's shouting say right I do n't know her .
2 Aye , right I do n't know if you if you feel that the wee chat we 've had is any good but , because we do n't want to chat along too long
3 Right I do n't know what I do n't know I did n't have the function a formula
4 Well er as I say , I 've always been a union member but then when I was self-employed it was different and I kept me fees up for a , to somewhere I do n't know what it was , but er when er yes , when er I was coming to come on me own and I went down the locksmith 's to see about it and they said er , what did they say now , they said you could n't do that , whatever it was , and er we 'll have to do this and that and the other .
5 Mind you they must go somewhere I do n't know where , cos we never pick them up
6 Dad , dad , Auntie has to go somewhere I do n't know where , but she just told me to call you cos it 's quarter past fifteen minutes past six or is it seven ?
7 And one 's been on er apparently I did n't know this but George showed me this morning .
8 I , I would like to support this Chair , and it 's a relatively small amount , especially I do n't know how much it would , it would cost , but erm , Andy the er , District Youth Officer , did produce er , er , a very much in-depth report erm , to the last of the Southern Area Youth Advisory Committee , erm , showing erm , how much demarcation er , the , the , the actual river does produce , and is very much a relatively deprived area , and I , I think for the amount of money that 's involved here , I think in view of what he said then , I do n't know the area at all , but er , I , I think he would be erm , very impressed with it .
9 But the price of the now critically needed boiler is over £2,300 and the loo , which leaked , is also necessary so needs must — and in fact the Festival people are daughter of an old friend of Mummy 's — though oddly enough I do n't know her .
10 Ah fair enough I did n't know about that . .
11 Five frilly nightdresses straight from mail-order , their labels still attached — I 'd 've nicked a couple only I did n't know what disease they might be carrying .
12 Only I do n't know how I should set about finding a home , let alone one that she would be happy in . ’
13 Only I do n't know who to tell .
14 Only I do n't know about you , but we 're very busy people . ’
15 Well , it makes a very good tale , only I do n't know if I could remember any of it ’ He beamed on Taliesin , and then said in an aside to Fribble that he had never yet heard of a Tyrian who did n't judge his wine remarkably well .
16 The only thing I only I do n't know all the names of some of the people .
17 question alone I do n't know whether the officers would want to respond to that last comment first .
18 To begin with there was a pause at the door , but a pause of perhaps I do n't know , one or two seconds at the most .
19 but then again I 'd rather just let them get on with it I 'm not trying to convert you to the better way of doing things , cos obviously I do n't know a whether there 's
20 If you listened Mark without interrupting , I was just about to say I 'm not trying to convert into a better way of doing things because obviously I do n't know whether that 's a different , a better way of doing it , what I said It 's a just a
21 So er obviously I did n't know anything about the money owed or we would 've endeavoured to pay it off straight away when we went to the bank er originally when it went when it folded .
22 She 's only just moved to Berlin so I do n't know much about her — these provincials …
23 Well , who did n't ? who would n't ? but she 's never cottoned on to me , and so I do n't know whether or not she 's told you … oh , to put it plainly , I had to give her her marching orders . ’
24 So I do n't know if any of you are old enough to have worked in factories or have been in any in the services ?
25 So I do n't know whether
26 I do n't know it 's engaged , er Jill 's trying to phone the school as well and that 's engaged , so I do n't know
27 So I do n't know bout yu , but me , I plead Not Guilty .
28 That , so I do n't know what a man wears under his kilt !
29 So I do n't know whether you want to go and see her rather than , I could get a doctor to go and see her and phone , .
30 I mean er now we 're in the second flow of them being emptied again , so I do n't know what 's gon na happen for the future .
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