Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [modal v] [be] that " in BNC.

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1 so it might be that he could come , erm , anyway I 'll give you a copy of that
2 Even so it may be that regarding each individual , he is less likely successfully to follow right reasons which apply to him anyway if left to himself than if he always obeys the directives of a just government including those which are morally reprehensible .
3 So it may be that Green influenced the way that the great poet looked at his surroundings , certainly in the later editions of Wordsworth 's Guide he acknowledges the value of the painter 's book .
4 So it may be that your standard drawings , you say , oh , goodness me .
5 So it may be that elements of the sibling altruism will develop in families , too .
6 If that is so , I would then say that by the time you get to the modification stage and the County Council has published a proposal for the general location , I therefore think at that stage the need for the criterion has disappeared , so it may be that the approved policy will not need to contain such criteria .
7 So it could be that there were line from eighty one would come up to the eight five based starting point er a rather than the eighty nine based starting point on the graph .
8 Thus it may be that children are not accustomed to relying on purely linguistic cues to the deductive mode .
9 Thus it may be that the exchange of old pennies for new was at a rate favourable to king and moneyers — for example , for every six old coins handed in , only five new ones might be issued .
10 Thus it might be that the old English case of Woodhouse v Brotherhood 1972 ] ICR 186 would be decided the same way under the Directive , because the facts , as found in that case , were that the transferee employer used the factory and the machines to produce different products from those made by the transferor and sold them in different markets .
11 Not only would accommodation and compromise between these various interests be desirable , but also it may be that the best solution would be some alternative to a motorway , or some alternative route not already considered .
12 Also it might be that those who suffer from SAD differ from most people only because they are more susceptible than the rest of the population to feeling ‘ under the weather ’ when they do not see daylight , particularly in the morning .
13 FIL files referenced are available to LIFESPAN RDBI. e.g. It may be that the LIFESPAN process may not have been shut down .
14 Erm now it may be that on a particular site erm conditions could be laid down to ensure and secure that there were significant employment benefits accruing from the development of that site .
15 ‘ But often it may be that parents are just being overprotective .
16 That is , the results shown in Fig. 5.7 may occur because rats generalize readily between stimuli that have had the same consequence in prior training ; but equally it may be that they generalize less readily between stimuli that have had differing consequences ; or both processes may be operating .
17 Well it may be that they do n't know how to , or that they set out such patterns of relating together that they have n't got the means of coping with it .
18 Well it might be that this turns out to be an extremely successful gamble , and Branson has expanded Virgin into a world recovery , or it may be that this airline runs into more serious financial difficulties in the middle of the decade , and it either contracts or it sells out to either an American or a continental European carrier .
19 No well we might well it might be that we say we want a combined party , I do n't know ,
20 Here it may be that er it 's important to say er what she said value or what relevance it has to the trial of the son anyway .
21 Alternatively it may be that you hanker after some lost love and are therefore convinced that we are doing the same , when in most cases nothing could be further from the truth .
22 But alternatively it may be that his understanding is less certain than his comment suggests , and that further discussion would reveal doubts !
23 Alternatively it may be that your kitchen actually functions with great efficiency and is relatively modern but simply lacks character .
24 Alternatively it could be that Y Ltd. is a manufacturer and that the commodity he buys from X is part of his raw materials .
25 Alternatively it could be that all subjects perform differently on junctions they previously knew well compared to those they did not know well .
26 Where soil is being removed slowly it may be that it has built up in layers and a ‘ case hardening ’ effect is experienced .
27 Yeah , maybe they will be that later on
28 If someone has learned how to operate a word-processor or complete an accurate and intelligible technical drawing then it may be that these are skills he can build upon and will not have to relearn .
29 If a need for parental protection in part constitutes the superego — and a fundamental , primitive part at that — then it may be that disturbances in later superego-formation will bring these earlier , more primitive , aspects of the superego to the fore .
30 If , however , you find you are regularly executing a query and the performance is not acceptable then it may be that the performance could be improved by applying additional indexes to the database .
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