Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [vb base] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 And so we end up in the paradox of a system which invokes the criterion of historical consciousness as a means for distinguishing the ‘ primitive ’ from the , civilized' but — contrary to its claim — is itself ahistorical .
2 It 's probably better , cos I mean normally I start back in January .
3 Then do various things , like putting your hands in the air , jumping up and down and going round in a circle , until eventually you go back in line .
4 Right you get back in the middle please Bryony .
5 If ever we wake up in the morning and feel that this is just ‘ another day to get through ’ , then our life is painfully stuck — and it is fear and limiting beliefs which are keeping us stuck .
6 Now I stride out in major events : the London Marathon , the Great North Run , and the Malta , Benidorm , Sheffield and Leeds marathons .
7 You may be surprised how often they crop up in conversation .
8 And and then I come back in here , I always get my sweet and take that back again .
9 Then I slide off in the direction of New Cross Station .
10 ‘ But they always end up the same — I see that terrible expression on Len 's face as he fell — then I hear the thud as he hits the floor — then I wake up in a cold sweat .
11 and then I draw back in .
12 Then I run off in a storm to see an astrologer .
13 Yes , I believe in Jesus , but sometimes I wake up in the night just petrified . ’
14 I 'm mainly on Reception with Inspector Blakelock , and sometimes I help out in the general office .
15 and then you climb back in
16 and then you climb back in and then the telephone goes
17 Alex why do you why do you lot always say that , you say well bye we 're going home now , then you come back in ?
18 Yeah and then we stop off in , then we , while we 're on the coach we stop off in Germany for breakfast
19 I 've said to my brother Roman Catholic if what you are saying is that the substance of the godhead is in a mystery transferred into our substance that is to say that we are recipitents recipients in the sacrament of the divine life then we go out in faith together believing the same essential .
20 It 's when the teachers think this is a boring , mundane , difficult thing to do , then that tends to be put over to the children and of course the disaster is that the children will believe it , and it if the children will believe it then we grow up in a highly technological society producing very few technologists or scientists .
21 It 's when the teachers think this is a boring , mundane , difficult thing to do , then that tends to be put over to the children and of course the disaster is that the children will believe it , and it if the children will believe it then we grow up in a highly technological society producing very few technologists or scientists .
22 If Snotlings find themselves themselves further than 12″ away from a unit of Orcs or Goblins , and if they can not move to within 12″ of a unit during that movement phase , then they mill around in a confused mass .
23 Well we 've got that huge one then they go down in size all the way .
24 And then they come back in , and they 're doing all the writing .
25 If these lines come into contact with others of ‘ foreign ’ material such as a polyester , then they melt through in a trice and your kite is away , floating down on the breeze leaving you with two rather expensive short ends .
26 yeah , well whatever , just something otherwise you get up in the morning and you 're starving are n't you ?
27 This way of thinking is not reasonable , yet we carry on in the same way , generation after generation , never learning by our past mistakes .
28 Once again we set out in the pre-dawn walk through the forest , the amble across the alpine pastures , and the short struggle up the screes to the foot of the wall .
29 Six days afterwards I set out in direct disobedience of orders to rejoin my regiment .
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