Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] an [noun sg] on " in BNC.

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1 His progress was predictably rapid , and after eighteen months he made the move to television , even though it was only as an assistant on Pets and Vets , an animal welfare show .
2 It 's beyond our Ken , TV 's voice of soccer and it 's top commentator through the 50s and 60s , that anyone could prefer the domestic Premier League highlights cobbled together for an hour on BBC 's Saturday night Match of the Day .
3 And when Mr Kohl speaks in a way he hopes will not antagonise the Kremlin , he does so with an eye on the 350,000 Soviet troops still sitting in Germany .
4 What attracted me to this way of speaking is that it would seem to allow for a celebration of the diversity of human beings , this held together with an emphasis on the commonness of their humanity .
5 The Conwy Castle Information Centre includes not only a tourist information centre but a shop selling a wide range of quality gifts and publications together with an exhibition on Edward I and his castles in Wales .
6 So any substantive attack on the proposition will be out of order within the context of adjudication , just as an attack on the wisdom of the rules of chess is out of order within a game .
7 Saddam Hussein is wondering whether he can get away with an assault on the Kurds of northern Iraq .
8 1971 ) , the original convergence thesis itself has become somewhat modified away from an emphasis on a trend towards uniformity .
9 Intensive diplomatic negotiations between UN and Iraqi officials in New York on July 24 and 25 led finally to an announcement on July 26 confirming that the government had agreed to a compromise proposal by the UN , involving the appointment of a new team of " impartial " inspectors .
10 Pears went to hospital yesterday for an operation on a depressed fracture of the cheekbone .
11 A LOYALIST gunman was shot and wounded by a soldier yesterday after an attack on an office run by the IRA 's political wing Sinn Fein .
12 WOMEN motorists should beware of men attempting to persuade them to stop and leave their cars , police said yesterday after an incident on the A706 Whitburn-Linlithgow road .
13 A SPANISH fisherman died yesterday after an accident on board the 40-metre Ormaza , 70 miles south-east of Rockall .
14 A PUB DOORMAN was cleared yesterday of an assault on a customer .
15 A STUDENT was cleared yesterday of an attack on a young Clacton woman .
16 However , it often seems to be the case that the prosecution and the defence move quickly towards an agreement on what happened .
17 The changes in public transport look more like an attack on local political autonomy than on bureaucratic power ( see also Duncan and Goodwin , 1988 , pp. 256–70 ) .
18 Here the discipline is regarded as being of an applied and pragmatic nature and research is empirically oriented , usually with an emphasis on procedural and institutional concerns , towards policy relevance and problem-solving .
19 He chooses these people carefully and objectively , always with an eye on potential success .
20 Hyperglycaemia per se is an important factor predisposing to atheroma , possibly via an effect on platelet aggregation or on structural proteins comprising the tissues of the arterial wall or by mechanisms unknown .
21 On Afghanistan , the Guardian of Dec. 13 quoted Shevardnadze as saying : " We succeeded in coming close to an agreement on a very major provision in Afghanistan .
22 Roger Bacon has enjoyed renown , both for an emphasis on firsthand experience of nature and for an advocacy of mathematics that , for the thirteenth century , was remarkably energetic .
23 Any elderly crone , who happened to be ugly or misshapen enough to have repelled all potential husbands , and who was therefore forced to live a solitary life with no children of her own , often as an outcast on the edge of the village , was desperately in need of companionship .
24 The attempt began at 2 a.m. with an assault on Dodan Barracks on Ikoyi Island in Lagos , the headquarters of the military government .
25 As in other disciplines , theories of language learning have gone through periodic changes , often with an over-emphasis on one aspect or anxiety , which results from the pendulum swinging from one extreme to another .
26 Though typically economists look at the way in which human beings create and distribute goods and services , often with an eye on issues to do with efficiency according to some rational criteria , this does not prevent them using economic theories to examine , for example , educational provision , the supply of blood donors , voting choice , to name but a few .
27 Robson , who will contact Kenny Dalglish today for an update on Barnes , said : ‘ Kenny has phoned me a couple of times and has told me that Barnes has done some training this week .
28 GOALKEEPER Stephen Pears goes into hospital tomorrow for an operation on a cheekbone injury that has ruled him out of an international debut next week .
29 Gary Stevens , whose non-appearance was announced on Monday , is to enter hospital tomorrow for an operation on his damaged left foot that will keep him out for the rest of the season .
30 Marxist humanists still often consider structuralism simply as an attack on Marxism ; this theory would be more persuasive if so many structuralists had not also been Marxists .
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